Last night, I came up to my bedroom to head to bed and found CandyMan at my computer, watching silly old videos of the kids when they were small. What memories these videos brought back! And how much my kids have changed.
In this short clip, KitKat was 7, Necco was 4 1/2 (the same age that AJ is right now), and Twizzler was 3. Twizzler had just started speaking….he was a little slow to say words. And it cracks me up that he is a full phrase behind the girls during their performance.
Ahhh….the memories!
And that’s it for today. I am itching to get back to my book (Forest Born – one of the Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale) and then I need to get ready for our big Thanksgiving dinner and finish editing all of the pictures I have been taking this week (three photo shoots since Saturday!).
It’s been a dang busy week. But it’s a good one. I can’t wait to jump right in to the Holiday season. Both feet. Here we come!

A random code I need to post: SGU4DDBNYAN8
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