I’ve never been one to use big words. I have a decent vocabulary, but for the most part, I stick with the same old words day after day. I was surprised, then, when I read A blog post entitled Top 10 Non-Words of 2010, since some of the words that I use regularly were just recently added into the Oxford English Dictionary. Some of the words that made it into the latest edition of the dictionary include Netbook (a portable Internet device) and Staycation (an at home holiday). Way more interesting than the words that made it this time around are the words that were proposed but did not make the final cut. Here are a few of my favorites:
Whinese – a term for the language spoken by children on lengthy trips
Wurfing – the act of surfing the Internet while at work
Wikism – a piece of information that claims to be true but is wildly inaccurate
Nonversation – a worthless conversation, wherein nothing is explained or otherwise Elaborated upon
Smushables – items that must be pack at the top of a bag to avoid being squashed
Griefer – someone who spends their online time harassing others
Fumb – your large toe
Sprog – to go faster then a jog but slower then a sprint
Wibble – the trembling of the lower lip just shy of actually crying
Peppier – a waiter whose sole job is to offer diners ground pepper, usually from a large pepper mill
Have you ever used any of these words? Probably not. Now a challenge: pick one of the words on the list and use it in your comment. This could be fun.
PS–I am featured over at 3 Moms in 1 today. Go check it out!
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Earlier today, I was walking along and stubbed by fumb. Ouch!
I’m really surprised that I didn’t read and comment on this while wurfing today. That is my official pastime and I usually have my mind sprog when my boss comes around. Between that and filling my day with nonversation among coworkers… I really over use whinese for adults.
I “sprogged” four miles today!
Fun challenge and cute words!
of these 10, i’m going to choose whinese and wikism to incorporate into my vocab.
This comment is going to be a short nonversation:-)
Whenever the kids start whining about something, I just tell them “I don’t speak Whinese”. I’ve confused more than a few of their friends with the phrase, but it works every time. :)
I love those words.
Every time my kids sprog, they stub their fumb and then they wibble.
I am the master of the nonversation as I am usually to busy wurfing the internet.
I gave it a go… I tweeted something about wurfing whinese wikism, which suits Twitter down to the ground I think :)
I need to go back to school and get a degree in Whinese just to understand what my children are saying to me!
Love the words!
I have never used any of these before.
Later on today when I sprog to the store I will have to remind the cashier that she needs to put the eggs and other smushables on top of the cans and not underneath them. She is constantly forgetting this. One day I heard the manager yell at her about it. I fear if she doesn’t get start protecting those smushables, she will end up loosing her job and having to be a peppier at the Olive Garden.
At least I know that neither her cashier job or her possible peppier job give her a chance to go wurfing, so she won’t become a Griefer.
It is so hot outside I have nothing better to do today than wurf! I am a wurfer…and pretty good at it!
Awesome list!