Did I say something yesterday about looking forward to a day of rest today? Hmm…think again! Reese went to bed last night complaining of a sore throat and pain in her ear, so guess where we headed this morning? Back to the doctor for the 3rd time in 4 days! Did I even mention that Reese gave herself a huge 2nd degree burn on her arm on Saturday night, and we took her in to be checked on Monday?? Today, she ended up not only with strep like Taco, but also an ear infection (probably form the cold and the wind yesterday!). The doctor was merciful and gave everyone prescriptions for antibiotics (I’m still waiting to talk to my doctor) so that we don’t “ping-pong” the infection back and forth.
After filling the Rx’s at Sams Club, as I buckled the kids up in the van and got ready to head home, I had an opportunity to do my good deed for the day. The car on the other side of the car next to me tried backing up the wrong way out of an angled one-way parking spot. She hit the SUV next to me so hard that it shook. She actually did quite a bit of damage (cosmetic, but still….). It ticked me off that the lady who hit the car stopped, looked at the car she hit, and then drove off. I did what I would hope somebody else would do for me–I wrote down her liscense/tag number and left the SUV owner a note. I have since talked to the SUV owner and her insurance agent. They were both shocked that I took the time to leave her a note. Isn’t it sad that people don’t ALWAYS watch out for each other?
Before I get back to work, I thought I’d share a few pictures from Tuesday’s trip to the Resource Center. It was my only doctor-free day. Actually, thinking back, it was a really productive day!
I love that Apple was completely oblivious to the paint in his hair!
These two were SO into painting their jack-o-lanterns with stencils.
Apple made 7 of these cute pumpkins (he was SO proud when he showed the other kids)
Maybe because of the small, intimate crowd in the afternoon, Apple was totally focused during circle time.
He even did all the actions to Itsy Bitsy Spider.
Out came the sun…..
I’m pooped.
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