Blogging on a regular basis can be tough, and every once in a while the blogger will inevitably run out of things to say. We’ve all experienced it. Lack of inspiration. Writer’s block. Nothing to say.
What do you do when the conversation goes dry?
What to Blog About When You Have Nothing to Blog About
- Post a picture. Like this bride and groom shot from last weekend’s wedding. The groom said he didn’t like black and white photos….so I had to try a few out in black and white, of course.
- Re-visit an old post. If you’ve been blogging for any length of time, it’s likely that your readers have not seen your earlier posts. Add some new commentary and post it again.
- Ask your readers a question. Let the comments be the meat.
- Share your recipe for tonight’s dinner. Everyone loves new meal ideas. FYI–We had frozen lasagna tonight.
- Talk about a product or TV show or movie or food that you are currently crazy (or not so crazy) about.
- Find a tweet or a Facebook update that inspires you. My latest tweet, “I almost bought a Charlie Brown tree today. As in a REAL Charlie Brown tree. It’d be SO nice not to have to move furniture around this month” could be an entire post.
- Share your thoughts on someone else’s blog post.
- Participate in a Meme. Some of my favorites are Wordless/Ful Wednesday, I Heart Faces challenges, and my own Photostory Friday/Give Me Your Best Shot weekly memes.
- Embarrass your kids by telling the world the silly things they’ve said or done recently. My 5 year old is obsessed with body parts and endlessly entertaining.
- Make a list. Top 10s are always fun.
What are your tricks for getting past writer’s block?
PS–Just a tip. It’s always a good idea to save drafts. Because hitting publish and then discovering that you’ve inadvertantly erased an entire post is never good for writer’s block.
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Great list! I’ve been blogging for a few years now and you definitely hit the nail on the head with this article. Bookmarked!
LOVE this!
When I have blogger’s block I look around me and see if something in the house inspires me to write about where it came from and its significance.
These tips are great though. Definitely adding them to the list!
i’m bookmarking this post because i need to revisit it for awesome ideas
i get a LOT of blockage.
Love these tips! Seems I am going through writer’s block a lot lately…so thanks for the tips!
I like to repost and jump in Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop. I’m a sucker for memes too. Especially Photo Story Friday.
I am the self-described QUEEN of the draft. I have SO many posts I’ve started but never finished there…its kind of my way of making a “to blog about” list.
Writer’s block? Lolli never gets writer’s block. She’s too awesome for that! Seriously though, I think number 3 is my absolute favorite. I’ll have to give that a try. And how in the world did I forget about Give Me Your Best Shot?!?
I also find that writing whenever you get the urge to write is better than sticking to a schedule. Sometimes I will get inspired very late at night and then timestamp them out accordingly.
When it hits you – it hits you. Go with the flow. :)
ha! I make lists all day long.. I’ll just post one next time :)
Nice photo shoot girl!
Great post! Great ideas!
Love the photo, your black & white conversion is beautiful.
Great tips – will share this link :)
Oops. Somehow the comment for the previous response got attached to yours. Confusing? ;) Glad you like the top 10 lists. They are the easiest posts to write!
Yes! That’s exactly what I tell my kids to do when they get frustrated doing their homework. Put it down, walk away, and come back to it later. Makes sense that I should do the same thing with my Home Work. ;)
Yes! That’s exactly what I tell my kids to do when they get frustrated doing their homework. Put it down, walk away, and come back to it later. Makes sense that I should do the same thing with my Home Work. ;)
I do the same thing! I’ve got a bunch of posts in drafts with nothing more than a title and maybe a link to the inspiration. :)
Lists are the easiest and most fun posts for me. Good luck with yours!
Thanks! Sometimes, though, I worry that I post TOO many posts that are centered around photos. I guess as a photographer, people should expect that. ;)
Actually, that makes total sense. Sometimes it’s in the process of relaxing and not trying anymore that the best ideas come!
I love interviewing other bloggers…..but that takes planning ahead. I must plan ahead! :)
Thanks! Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to say…but I really do. :)
I really liked this list a TON.
I actually have used all these tips. And the top 10 list will get you out of ANY writer’s block….lol.
Love it!
Walking the dog sometimes helps. But nonetheless, still some good advice and tips in this post.
I stop writing, and go do something else. walk, listen to music… :) great picture, I love that frame
One big thing for me is jotting down an idea when it occurs to me even if that means creating a draft with nothing but a title. Chances are if I don’t do that, I’ll forget later. But when I do it, I end up with lots of possibilities to choose from when it’s time to sit down and come up with a full post–I have a ready list of ideas!
Great ideas! I think I may make a list for my next post :)
Love your top ten list!
You’re right about the photo. There are many times when I just need a photo to spark my creativity!
In my classic under-achiever style, I just give up. Usually, if the pressure is off, something will come to me. So I give up. I’ve quit blogging twice this month. :0)
Great ideas! I also like to interview favourite bloggers on my blog as a post idea, too!
I LOVE that shot! And I love all the tips!