A funny thing happened today. I went outside three different times. And I didn’t wear a coat. Remember last week at this time? We were about to start snow day number 3 of the week and we were literally buried under feet of snow. I remember trying to drive somewhere last Friday and finding my van’s wheels stuck in ice.
Today, I turned the cool air on while I was driving to the grocery store. And then at 3:30, I went on a walk to pick up my youngest son from an after school club meeting (my 12 year old and I took the long way around the neighborhood so we could enjoy the sun) and found buds growing on the trees.
Then after dinner, I was up in my 2nd story bedroom when I glanced out the window to see the most spectacular sunset. I grabbed my phone and ran outside, without even bothering to put a jacket on. Unfortunately, by the time I made it halfway around the neighborhood where there was a decent view of the skyline, the sunset had basically disappeared, but I still enjoyed the evening walk.
I can’t wait for spring to get here, to spend more time outside, to soak in a little sunshine now and then. This winter has been rough on me. I definitely needed a change of pace.
All photos were taken with my Nokia Lumia 830 Windows Phone, which I am currently reviewing. I got the phone for free, and each week I’m doing different challenges on Twitter. Follow the hashtag #LumiaSwitch to see the conversation.
Now it’s time for YOU to show me your best shots from this past week. Link up below and have a fantastic weekend!

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
To play Give Me Your Best Shot – Photo Story Friday, check this. Copy this code into your post and sign the link list:
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we have had sun all week as well – it has been so nice!! I actually turned the heat off in my car today!!