For those of you who are here for my weekly Photostory Friday and Give Me Your Best Shot, I have been playing along all week with Adventuroo’s Week in the Life series, and although today’s picture might not be my BEST, they certainly tell a story.
This morning, I was back to my typical 5:00 am wake up, since KitKat was back home from Outdoor Ed. As I was rolling out of bed, a bomb exploded right outside my open bedroom window. (OK, it wasn’t really a bomb. It was thunder. And I swear it was in my backyard, it was so loud).
If anything good came form the morning storm, it was the fact that I was wide awake enough at 5:30 to read scriptures (something that usually doesn’t happen until the kids leave for school).

The rest of the morning proceeded like most mornings. Except that after making lunches and packing bags, I walked over to the school to talk to the nurse…

We were all soaked by the time we got to the office because it was raining a little harder than I realized. Because it was a warm rain, I didn’t even think about driving the kids to school. We just set out on foot, enjoying the puddles and the relative quiet (since everyone else decided to drive today).
I got home with just enough time to shower and work for a little while before heading out to a dentist appointment.

Although it feels like the dentist scraped one of her tools sideways along my gums (ouch!) I came home with clean teeth and a clean report. No cavities. Yay!
Because I have been so tired lately, and I have such a huge project going on at work, CandyMan was gracious enough to pick Reese up from school and take her to the doctor. I was pretty sure that her head injury from yesterday was just fine, but I wanted to have a doctor tell me for sure. Just knowing that someone else’s tooth was in her scalp made me rather uneasy.
I think this may have been his first time taking one of the kids to the doctor. It was a big day (especially because of the fact that I was the one busy working and he was the one free to take the kid to the doctor. What an odd reversal).
Because Reese usually walks home with AJ, I completely forgot that I would need to pick AJ up from school myself. I ran down to the school 15 minutes late and found him sitting in the office. Oops.

We had a nice walk back home, and AJ even stopped to admire the roses (he spontaneously told me that he liked the ones that were mostly closed the best).

After taking an afternoon break to play my new wii game with my kids (I got an amazing package from Nintendo today), I took AJ out on some errands with me, including a stop at Barnes & Noble, where he found the PERFECT book. It’s for boys only. No girls allowed. He loves it.

Dinner was a cop-out. I cooked some biscuits and sausage and eggs, and we ate homemade sausage and egg biscuits, with peaches on the side. AJ, though, wasn’t quite satisfied, and so he whipped himself up an omelet, which he was SO proud of. Unfortunately, as he was sliding his omelet onto his plate, it slid right onto the floor and broke up into a dozen hot pieces. He was crushed.
After dinner, I had to lay down on my bed for a while to try to ease my splitting headache. AJ came looking for me. Since my lights were out, he figured I wasn’t in my room, so he hollered in the hall, “Where’s Mom?”
I called back, “I’m in bed.”
To which he answered, “You’re dead?”
Yes, he even makes me laugh when I’ve got a splitting headache.
The night was hardly over. With a twitter party and that project to finish for work, I figured I had a long one ahead for me…
PS – yes, all of my photos were taken with my iPhone. I’ve been too lazy for anything else…

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
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Happy Friday!!
That dinner was NOT a cop out! A cop out is Taco Night or cold cereal. Which I have done TWICE this week. Ahem. :)
You did better than me at the dentist! I haven’t been since before I got pregnant, which has been a while. I have three cavities and I need a crown on an old filling. Boo!
My husband, who seriously brushes his teeth less than ten times a month had absolutely no cavities. How is that possible? How is that fair?!
I am loving this REAL peek into your life, flaws and all.
Hope your head is feeling better and you’re able to get some decent rest.
Just a day in the life of a mom! Sounds just like mine. :-) Great story and fun photos!