The two 3-year-olds enjoyed looking at the water and watching for pirate ships (they found a pirate tour boat with kids on it, and Butterfly declared there were pirate kids on it!)
It’s amazing what a few snacks will do to pass the time….
The big people were hungry for some real food, so Safire took us to her favorite local Irish Pub for sandwiches and salads. Yum! Apple visited the bathroom inside the restaurant THREE times while we were there, and he was completely fascinated by the picture of the boxer from the 1930s hanging on the wall. He asked me dozens and dozens of questions:
What is that man doing?
Is he a (fill in the blank)?
Why is he wearing underwear?
Do boxers not wear pants or shirts?
Does he punch people?
He thought the grown man in white underwear in a fighting pose was just too funny to believe.
Annapolis is filled with the coolest OLD buildings, which are separated (or connected, depending on how you look at it) by tons of alley ways. All of the alleys are named, even–like streets! It was quite a sight walking through the 3-story-high alleys!
Just outside that last alley, I found a cute, painted wooden bench with a cool clock to its side. I made everyone stop for pictures. It looked like it was MADE as a photo op!
During the latter end of our walk through the streets of Annapolis, the 3-year-olds decided they’d sit together on the end of the double stroller, which ended up being a triple stroller today. Safire was carrying one of the twins, and I was pushing my stroller with the diaper/camera bag inside. Bee was a GREAT sport about pushing the big stroller around!
Safire thought this was a cool place for a picture of us. ;)
We went in to one of the old churches there. I loved the dozen or so stained glass windows.
Our ride back home (and really, the whole day) was smooth until literally what should have been the last 7 minutes of our drive. While we were still on the freeway, we had noticed two helicopters hovering in the distance and had commented “I wonder what they’re doing?” We soon found out. A crane at a road construction site had fallen over–across the lanes of traffic–and the police had blocked the road completely. There was no other easy way to my house–every other route was a huge, long way around. And everybody and their neighbor was also turning around to try to get where they were going. What started out as a 7 minute drive turned into an HOUR long, hair-pulling creep towards my house. The babies started crying (poor guys cried themselves back to sleep after a little while), every route we tried to take was packed with more cars, and Butterfly needed to go to the bathroom (twice!)…I must say, though, that we were very impressed with how well Apple and B did staying dry all day long…..until, of course, I got home and discovered that Apple was completely soaked (he had been asleep before the whole traffic thing, and so he woke up out of sorts). So after we finally got home, I had to strip Apple, strip the carseat cover, and wash everything. All I can say is, thank goodness for good company to talk to!!!
Despite the last hour of driving, it was a very fun day!
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