By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class. ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh Only one quote for today. I’m heading out of town on Thursday. Vacation time!! Check back tomorrow for more details! Woohoo!!
We have a house guest this weekend, and CandyMan is actually going to be home, so I will be spending time with my family all day. Yay! Instead of writing my stories, today I am going to be finding some new stories. I thought I’d leave you with this short video about Cherish Bound. I…
Give Me Your Best Shot #11
I took my friends twins’ pictures last Friday (after I had posted last week’s Give Me Your Best Shot) and just loved the shots I caught of Professor by himself. This time (because we had a larger group and couldn’t fit everyone in the spot next to my front window) I pinned my black sheet…
Fix-It Friday–Cooing Baby
It’s time again for Friday Fix-Its with I Heart Faces! Today’s picture is a sweet cooing newborn. Here’s the original: And here are a few things I did with the photo in Lightroom 1: Brighter color and some sharpening:Black and white (plus sharpening):Sepia (plus sharpening):Fun stuff! Now go see how everyone else edited this shot!…
The First Kim’s Kool Kolumn
Since it was take your child to work day today my mom let me take over the camera and blog to do whatever I felt like doing. So I thought I would give all of my mom’s followers a list of something that they could do tomorrow. And yes, I will be doing this again….
What’s for dinner?
**Update: The winner of the cookbook is comment #23–my friend, Safire! Congrats!** What’s for dinner, you ask? I hear MamaKat is starving. Frankly, so am I. I kind of lost my cooking/sharing of recipes motivation a few weeks ago. Thank goodness the kids really don’t care what I cook and CandyMan is never home for…
Like Mother, Like Son
Smile! Say Cheese!
I’ve Already Lost All My Dignity.
So what harm will another embarrassing picture do? Bring it on! Tonight after dinner, we read some stories while Necco braided my hair. And then we put some music on. Loud. And we danced. Our night’s activities were actually inspired by a Fishful Thinking Ingredient Activity. Mood music. We explored how different kinds of music…
I ? Faces–This is Me.
Better late than never, right? I was having a hard time with this week’s self-portrait theme. Tough stuff! But….it was a beautiful day today, and I decided to head outside and snap some pictures. KitKat found my camera-holding techniques quite amusing. I caught a few laughs…and several very embarrassing faces. Wrinkles and all. This is…
Tell Me a Story Tuesday–My Birth
Starting today, I am trying something new on my blog, purely for my benefit (because I am much more likely to stick to a goal if I make it public!). Every Tuesday, I am going to {try to} post something I’m calling Tell Me a Story, inspired by Cherish Bound. As many of you know,…
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