The first thing I’ll say is today was my most pleasant drive to and from Baltimore EVER. Maybe it was because I had my sister along with me, or maybe I’m FINALLY learning where to go and how to drive in Baltimore! We decided to make one last trip to the Aquarium before our family pass runs out on Thursday. My sister had never been, and my niece loves animals. Four of my kids are in summer camp now, so it was just me and Apple with Andrea and Vanessa. What a fun day!
This was my favorite fish today:The kids thought THIS was even better than the swimming fish. We pulled them along to even better things….
… sticking their hands in a tank full of empty and NON-empty shells (in other words, some of those things MOVED!)
After the hands-on exhibit, we moved along to the frogs. Quite a while ago, Apple’s Nana bought him a colorful stuffed tree frog and so he likes to ask lots of questions and study each frog very carefully. He loves it when he finds HIS tree frog! (this is not it…but I thought he looked like a grumpy old man)
After the frogs, it was time for lunch. Vanessa thought that her mom’s cheeseburger looked SO good, she stole it from her and ate it!
That bite of chicken that Apple was dipping in ketchup was one of the TWO he took….
Eventually, we did see some of the displays. We were just disappointed that the DOLPHIN SHOW was CANCELED! That’s never happened to us before in all the years we’ve been going to the Aquarium. But I guess it’s not every day that a BABY DOLPHIN is born. I guess we should be celebrating, but we were just sad to miss the show.
In the evening, we went to a friend’s house to pick berries and play a little in the back yard. I am craving blackberry cobbler now!
At dinner, Apple blew me away by asking Andrea, “How is Dan doing in school?” Just like that. He’s 3, for heaven’s sake! He sounded so grown up.
Notice the toothless grin? Taco is short one front tooth, but reports are that eating is much easier and more pleasant now that the tooth finally fell out. :)
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