School is back in session! When I walked the kids to school this morning, I felt like I had just done the same thing last week. Was the summer really so short? Wow! It flew by. BTW–be sure to see all of my following posts (I did a bunch at once today–trying to catch up!)
Kiwi headed to her bus before any of the other kids were awake. She’s happy to be a 7th grader this year and NOT the youngest in the school anymore. I love the time that we have just the two of us every morning while she gets ready for school.Today was Reese’s first day of kindergarten, although she’s probably wondering what the big deal is. Last year, she went to Pre-K at the elementary school and her Pre-K teacher is now a kindergarten teacher….HER kindergarten teacher! Reese was a little disappointed to find out that her class was exactly the same as last year, just in a different room. I guess they figured that the kids could benefit from “looping”….that is, they don’t have to go through the “get-to-know-you” struggles of the beginning of the year and just jump right in to learning.
Noodle is in 4th grade. Sorry about those monster bangs she’s trying to grow out!
My 3 elementary kids:
Apple had to jump in for a picture, too.
Taco’s in 2nd grade this year.
This is what he did when PB said, “Open your eyes, son!”
My pretty Reese, all ready to start her school day.
Taco doesn’t look excited, does he?!
I love this “walking to school” picture we get every year. Already, this morning, they wanted to walk all by themselves. PB and I stepped out of the house a few minutes after them, and they were GONE. We walked all the way to school by ourselves. Haha! It’s nice that they’re independent!
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