Visit my co-host, Manic Mother!
I think that our Aperture challenge two weeks ago was my favorite challenge so far. There were SO MANY wonderful examples of what adjusting the aperture can do. Here is one picture that really stood out to me, by Amy:
Since last week was a “bring it all together” week (Exposure Triangle) and somewhat of a review of the last 3 tutorials, we wanted to make this week’s challenge a review as well. We challenged you to take your camera out and practice with ISO, Shutter Speed, and Aperture again. Was one of the 3 elements of the exposure triangle your favorite to work with….or is there an element that you still need some practice with? We’ll leave this one up to you! Next week, come back and share your results. And let us all know how you adjusted your picture to get your desired results so we can all continue to learn!
Here’s just one of the hundreds of pictures I took this last week:
In my post about my trip to New York City to speak at a small press conference about Fishful Thinking last week, I talked about how much I loved the rose-and-goldfish centerpieces. Of course, I went a little crazy taking pictures of the decor….and this picture is just one that I liked. I used a large aperture (f2/8) to blur the Goldfish in the vase beyond the flowers in the forefront.
Now how did you challenge yourself this week? Remember, we’re easy on the rules. We just love to see what you guys are learning. Your photos inspire us!! Share and visit your fellow Bloggography participants. Feel the love. :)
Don’t forget to grab a button or link back to Manic Mother and me on your post. And make sure you add your picture to the Flickr group as well. You don’t even need a blog to participate, you can just leave the link to your picture in the Flickr group.
The MckLinky will be up for one week, so you still have plenty of time to take a picture!
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
simply gorgeous Lolli!
.-= Marie´s last blog ..bloggography challenge exposure triangle =-.
I should have tried to shoot non moving targets. But I figured the only thing I take pictures of are my kids so I better figure it out on them haha!
.-= Brandie´s last blog ..Give Me Your Best Shot! =-.
Well I decided to post anyway :)
.-= Jenny´s last blog ..90 days =-.
I am so glad my photo stood out for you! Yay!
I have not had a chance to get my post together yet, but will be working on that ASAP! Thanks!!
Gorgeous photo Lolli :) I took a lot of pics last week, but can not remember with what ISO, Shutter or Aperture, so I am not participating this week :(