Oh Boy! I woke up this morning to Peanut Butter yelling, “Chef, get down here!” I ran down to the kitchen, groggy, to find Apple sitting on the counter with Kiwi’s now-empty bottle of Amoxicillan (she had at least 6 days-worth left). He REALLY likes the stuff. So much so that he got into the top of the fridge, unscrewed the child-proof cap, and helped himself.
I called poison control, and while the lady assured me it was NOT a medical emergency, he DID need to go to the ER to take charcoal (apparently, that much antibiotic wipes out ALL bacteria from the body, which is not a good thing). PB, who had just come back from a run, took him to the hospital. Two hours later, he sent me these pictures, taken on his blackberry:
Before the charcoal, Apple was layed back and feeling good.After the first sip (check out that tongue! It really IS charcoal!!!)
After the struggle to get all the charcoal down his throat (glad I missed that one!)….the nurse cleaned him up. He looks like such a baby here (tug at my heart!!)
The hospital bed afterwards:
As PB put it, the popsicle that the nurse gave him at the end was NOT worth it!!
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