In honor of the new movie Motherhood, a unique movie about a real mom, Jill from Scary Mommy is looking for some other Scary Mommies out there. The most convincing Scary Mommy post is going to win a Flip video camera. Incredible, right?? Well, here’s my experience as a Scary Mommy:
Motherhood has done some interesting things to me. Somedays, I feel like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Make that Mama Hyde. She gets pretty scary.
My friends know me as quiet, calm, and unreactionary Lolli. In groups and even within my marriage, I am the peacekeeper, the mediator, the one who doesn’t get worked up but can stay level headed in the midst of chaos.
But put me alone in my house with my kids and Mama Hyde comes out. I yell. Sometimes while I am yelling at my kids, I can hear myself, as though Dr. Jekyll is inside me listening to me and laughing at how utterly silly I sound. It’s stupid. I hate it. And yet, I find myself doing it again and again, day after day.
The best moments are those rare times when the sane me breaks through that tough Mama Hyde shell, when the laughter does come through. The looks on the kids’ faces are priceless as they watch the scary Mommy crumble and turn back into just plain Mommy. I’m sure it’s quite a sight. It typically takes a minute for the shock to wear off. Then they join me in the laughter.
The laughter is so much better.
How do you control the Mama Hyde moments of motherhood?
© 2009, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Haha love this! Well apparently 90% of us are like this. We get frustrated by our kids more than anyone else I’m sure, they know all the buttons to press. My yelling is LOUD and my walls are thin so the neighbours hear a lot too. I do come across as a ‘bad’ mother I suppose, but my kids know how much I love them, and it’s shown much more than my yelling at them. (No one is perfect)