I just returned from a half-day women’s conference at my church. I love what conferences can do to fill my bucket, to give me the boost that I need to keep pressing on.
The first class I attended was entitled “Finding a Healthy Life Balance,” taught by a local couples and family therapist. What a perfect topic for me, particularly this month as my schedule is so busy (and I’m feeling a little unbalanced!). The class reminded me so much of Empowerment, this month’s Fishful Thinking theme for my family. In fact, there’s an article in the empowerment section of the Fishful Thinking website about the pressures that working moms face, and the fact that finding the balance between family and work is more challenging than ever.
The Life Balance class talked about the stresses that distract us: work, home, relationships, expectations, current situations, trials. And he talked about a few types of thoughts that can help to manage the stress. Thoughts such as:
- * “I can’t necessarily change my situation, but I can be in control of my focus.”
* “I can chose to gain greater self-awareness.”
* “Everything I do is a result of a choice I make.”
* “I am responsible for 100% of my life.”
* “The degree to which others control my life is the degree to which I allow them to control it.”
* “I can’t voluntarily change my feelings, but I can always voluntarily change my behavior.”
And the road to being more empowered, and to dealing better with the stresses of life, comes in small steps. It’s a learning process and it’s ok to make mistakes. It takes tolerance (a baby will fall 300 times before she learns to walk on her own). It takes an evaluation of priorities and expectations. And there are going to be “route recalculations” along the way. Think of driving to a new address using a GPS. You make a wrong turn and the GPS voice beams, “Route Recalculation” or “Recalculating.” There are different ways to get to the same end destination. Some routes will be longer or harder or bumpier than others, but they still have the ability to get you to the same place.
Some of the ideas for managing stress presented were things such as meditation, service, and finding hobbies and activities that you enjoy. Blogging has been one of those stress-management tools for me over the last few years. Yes, sometimes blogging like I do can be a stress in itself, but it is also a creative release, a hobby that brings me satisfaction and joy.
Today I am feeling empowered. Empowered to take a better control of my time, my moods, and my obligations. This was perfect timing for me.
Note: the adorable felt and button flower arrangements were the centerpieces at today’s conference luncheon. Aren’t they adorable?!
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Wow, your comment about falling 300 times before walking is so appropriate for many stages in life! TO me, living life in balance is knowing that the big steps are balanced by lots of stumbles. Who knew it would only take 300 falls?
.-= Miel Abeille´s last blog ..Sunday Smiles May 9, 2010 =-.
cute table decorations and sounds like a fun morning to feel more empowered. Wish I could have been there ;)
So cute! I just love them. My daughter loved to sew by hand especially buttons, she can’t wait to try these!
.-= Diane {createdbydiane.blogspot.com}´s last blog ..Blackberry Scones =-.
Thank you so much for sharing! I’m not able to go on a retreat yet because I’m just not ready to leave Little Bit for a whole weekend lol…I wish they had day retreats here. Anywho, thanks for sharing. I’ve been going through some of that muck lately and your words are very comforting.
I so glad you had a good time!
And yes, centerpieces are adorable.
.-= MomBabe´s last blog ..Storylines =-.