I love, love, love Fridays for the chance I have to edit a photo with all of my I Heart Faces friends! This week’s picture is of a very cute, very flushed little boy playing outside.
Here’s what I did with the picture in Photoshop:
Basically, I edited the blemish under his eye, lightened under his eyes slightly, as well as lightened the whites of his eyes.
Then, I ran the TRA action “Super Fun Happy” and tweeked the curves, contrast, and levels til I liked the way it looked. I then ran a sharpen for web action on it and saved.
Next, I simply added a black and white conversion on top of what I had just done and cropped to a square. Tadah! Black and white!

I am spending the entire day with my sister and niece and (when they come home from school) my kids so I will be off my computer all day long. I will try to stop by some of the other fixes tomorrow night or over the weekend….because I love seeing what everyone else comes up with!

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