I am not a party-thrower.
I love attending parties. When someone else is in charge of setting up and cleaning up.
So the fact that I threw a party for a handful of friends just days before school went back into session was huge.
And guess what? I survived. And we had fun.
We got our craft on.
Note: Build-A-Bear Workshop® is is now partnering with Michaels Stores to feature their brand new line of crafts called Build-A-Bear Craftshop™ which will be introduced in all Michaels Stores in September. The new and unique Build-A-Bear Craftshop line includes 24 fun make-your-own projects such as a jewelry kit, hair accessory kit, painting projects and Make and Share kits containing a wearable craft creation for you and your furry friend. I was sent a box of Build-A-Bear Craftshop™ kits and was able to invite a ton of friends and their kids over to make bear-and-kid t-shirts this week. Everyone loved the kits and special time to get their craft on!
Guess what? Great news! My kids got the teachers that I was hoping they’d get. I get along with the kindergarten and 2nd grade teachers famously. I am so excited to work with them again this year! What’s going on in your neck of the woods this week?
Psst–I am frantically trying to iron out the rest of my blog changes, so I apologize for the craziness that is currently going on.
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
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Amazing kid……… brilliant…Good luck! And don’t worry, I’ll definitely enjoy those golden girls.
Remember go with the first answer you think of. Do not erase anything. One of my teachers at test time gave us pencils with out erasers and made us take the test that way.
Such a cute idea for a party! ;D
Congrats on your kids getting the chosen teachers! ;D
Looks like a fun party! So sorry I missed it and wasn’t able to help. Thanks for keeping the kids though. They had tons of fun.
And yay for good teachers!
And yay for new blog look! It’s amazing.
How fun! My girls love crafts. I’ll need to look into that. Congrats on getting the teachers you wanted. I know how stressful that can be!
Looks like lots of fun was had! How cool that they got the teachers you wanted. I’m praying for that for next year when the twins are in 2nd grade…. I just want them both to have the same teacher that every one of my other kids have had, is that too much to ask?
So exciting about your kids getting the teachers they/you wanted. My kids find out today. Did I tell you the twins are going to kindergarten? Yes. I did. I remember telling you now.
Have you done your site revamp yourself? I really like it!
Way to go throwing a party. I am thinking about doing Kaishon’s at the house this year as well. I actually love parties at home but his birthday is right in the middle of winter and right after Christmas so everyone is like TOTALLY partied out and sick of being inside at that time usually.
I hope we do have a home party this year. I want to hire a pony : ) and a clown.
What a fun party idea!! And glad your kids got their fave teachers…that’s a great start to what will hopefully be a great year!
Awesome job! Look at how happy everyone is:-)
Good luck planning her birthday party! This is the birthday break time of year for me. Next up…ME!
Ahh, thanks! It was a lot of work yesterday, and I’m still trying to figure out how to get the pictures to show up on the homepage, but I’m feeling good about it!
Well, when you start out with 5 kids of your own…. ;) Believe it or not, there were kids who didn’t want to get in the picture, too!
Looks like a really fun activity! And just a few friends? That’s more than a couch full!! Great job!
Super cute and fun idea..loving the new look here, too.
oh, that looks like so much fun! I in the middle of planning my daughter’s birthday party – oh joy (or should I say oh headache)
Thanks!! It still needs some work, but I am feeling good about the changes. :)
my girls would love to do that, i’ll have to go to Michael’s. :)
I really like the feel of your new wordpress theme.
It looks like the kids all had a fun time.
I am so happy to hear it!! I am enjoying the new look except that I can’t get the dumb thumbnails to show up on my homepage. Frustrating me to no end!
OH! What a fun craft! And how exciting to hear it will be around soon! (when you see my post you’ll see I have a child that loves crafts as well)
I love the new look to your blog, esp since I can read it now ;)
Seriously, it looks really nice!
Pre-planning…Yes! But it really is fun. I’ve got a couple of kids who are really crafty, and in a previous life I was, too. I’ve focused all of my crafty tendencies to blogging and pictures taking now. :)
That looks like fun! I’ve always wanted to be a crafty mom, but it just takes too much pre-planning. I love art and craft events though.