Am I giddy? I don’t know. I don’t think I get truly giddy very often. Giddy is a pretty strong word, and it makes me think of 13 year old giggly girls.
But if I were giddy, I would be giddy about meeting a whole slew of area bloggers last week (Scary Mommy, parenting BY dummies, Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom, Pajamas and Coffee, Barely Domestic Mama, and my friend and neighbor Living in Maryland). And I didn’t even have to fly to Chicago for it!
Lara (from Chicken Nuggets of Wisdom) and I are both Fishful Thinking ambassadors….another thing that I’m kind of giddy about. Except that I’m not giddy about the fact that this week the program officially ends. I’m going to miss it.

I was also feeling giddy when someone asked if the chocolate chip cookies that I had baked for the lunch were homemade. “Wow, they taste like they’re from a store!” I considered it a compliment. :)
I’m giddy that my friend, Safire, is back in town. We’ve been keeping busy. She makes sure that I don’t get bored.
I’m also giddy about meeting Jill (Scary Mommy), who I have been emailing a lot lately. I think we emailed for a month before we discovered that we live in the same state. Crazy. I’m giddy about what we’re planning….and I’m giddy about the fact that although I won’t be in Chicago for BlogHer this weekend, I will be meeting more of my eBFFs in Las Vegas on my birthday in October.
PS–if you haven’t clicked on any of my Fishful Thinking links lately, go peruse the links on the right sidebar over there——>> They will eventually be gone. And they really are filled with amazing ideas–articles, activities (and even a chance to win $10,000!). I would be giddy for sure if I stayed in the top 10 for the program. :)
This post was inspired by MamaKat’s writing prompt, “What are YOU giddy about?” Go see what other people are saying today…..
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