Today Cecily from My Chaos My Bliss and I are joining forces and combining our Friday memes into one! Each Friday I post my favorite shot (or 2 or 3) and invite all of my readers to also post their favorite shots. You can read more about Give Me Your Best Shot HERE. Cecily does a great Friday meme called Photostory Friday (you can find out more about that HERE). I frequently combine the two….because how often do your favorite pictures have great stories behind them??
This week, I started my unofficial, official homeschooling program with AJ. This is the last year that I will have a preschool aged child at home. Next year, AJ starts kindergarten, and I’ll have one in high school, one in middle school, and three in elementary. That’s a lot of back to school nights and a crap load of homework.
But this year, AJ is still home. And despite the confused responses I’ve gotten from some people I have decided not to send him to preschool. My friend, Safire, and I had talked about doing a preschool co-op with some of the kids our kids’ ages, and even that didn’t seem right. Some days it’s all I can manage to take a shower and do the dishes. Safire has her hands full with toddling twins. We decided that we’d do a homeschool type routine and meet together once a week for learning activities or field trips.
Thursday was our first meeting. Other than the fact that AJ and Butterfly were a little rambunctious from the excitement, I think our little school is going well.
This week, in honor of School and September, we are focusing on the letter S.
We started off by reading a few S books (like a book about the Sea and one about Soccer)
Followed by AJ’s newest craze: an S-shaped maze.
The twins were always close by (in other words, they went wherever the Cheerios went)
Next, we cut out some Shapes. Just a funny side note: Safire and I came up with this week’s plan as we drove home from our Baltimore GNO last week. It was very late and we must have been very tired, because we could not think of any shapes that began with S. All I could think of was Circle, and I kept telling myself, “No, that’s a C.” And, yes, I am 100% sure my water was not spiked.
Still chomping on the Cheerios as the big kids worked on tracing the letter S…
The yellow school bus was a huge hit with the boys.
Next, a short lesson on Sounds. AJ was enthralled.
After listening to some computer-generated sounds, the kids ran around like animals, making animal sounds themselves.
And we ended off the day with a bowl of chocolate pudding, which I had made the night before after everyone had gone to bed. Hey–it was late and I needed something cool and chocolatey. The kids, not surprisingly, gobbled it up. AJ wanted more and helped himself to another bowl while I was saying goodbye to Safire’s gang. Then the phone rang, and I turned my back on AJ and his bowl of pudding for just a few minutes as I made myself a salad for lunch.
And that brings me to my favorite shot of the week:
I guess the cool, chocolatey pudding made a good face mask, too. He was so proud of himself. I just had to laugh.
And throw him in the bathtub.
After his bath, he promptly layed down on his bed and fell asleep.
In the buff.
School is tough work.
And now the sharing begins…Please add your post to the link below so that we can see what’s been happening in your house this week. :)

To play Give Me Your Best Shot and PhotoStory Friday, check this. Then copy the code below into your post and sign the Our Blurbs Guest List.
PS–The Fishful Thinking campaign is ready for round two. If you haven’t heard yet, round one was fabulous! We are currently looking for 1000 more moms of children ages 4-11 to be ambassadors for this worthwhile and fun program. If you are a mom with at least one child in this age range and are interested, send me an email at lollislife at gmail dot com! I’ll give you all the details.
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