I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I love the Spring. I love the regrowth of flowers and grass and trees. I love the fresh air coming in through my windows and the warmth and sun before the Summer humidity hits. But I do not love the allergies that come with Spring.
For years, I was pregnant or nursing and simply endured through the Spring time itchy eyes and constant sneezing. But I realized a few years ago that I didn’t need to endure my Spring time allergies anymore. I gratefully went out to the pharmacy to snatch up the first bottle of allergy medicine I could find. I really had no idea what I was looking for. I just wanted relief.
The story of my allergy medicine mishap is legendary in our house now, even though it only happened 3 years ago. You can read the whole amusing story if you’d like, but let’s just say that I did NOT get a non-drowsy allergy medicine. I was downright loopy.
I’ve tried allergy pills that work for a few hours, and others that last for a full 24 hours, and I am happy to say that I am almost completely symptom-free this season, thanks to Allegra. I take one pill each morning with breakfast, and I’m not itching and sneezing all day long. It’s a miracle and I feel like a totally new person.
This week, I was challenged to think of how Allegra played a part in my beauty regimen, and I realized that it’s part was huge. When I am suffering from allergies, my eyes are red and itchy, and even if I put eye make-up on in the morning, it will inevitably be rubbed off by lunch time.
And then there’s the OTHER issue…the part where my “beauty regimen” is almost non-existent lately. All too often, I spend the majority of the day looking like this:
I want to change that. I don’t like the feeling of growing out of all of my clothes, wearing comfortable pants and a t-shirt simply because I know I’ll be working at the computer all day. I have been working on getting back into a regular exercise routine, and because the weather is so perfect right now, that has included many morning walks. I love getting my exercise outside, but again – being outdoors is only possible when I am not itching my eyes out or sneezing constantly.
And I made myself a promise – a promise to not only take better care of my body, but also to take pride in the way I look and dress each day – even if my family are the only ones who will see me that day.
I set out for CVS on Thursday, armed with coupons, to get some new make up and stock up on some more Allegra. There are two things that I can’t live without when it comes to make-up: foundation and lipstick. Even on a lazy day, I wear those two things. I figured, though, in order to make a difference and add a little something more, that I should pay more attention to my eyes.
I scanned the shelves at CVS and found a few new items.
Going from DRAB to fab
I picked up some Advance Radiance Age-Defying foundation from Cover Girl (because I do need that age-defiance these days), some ColorStay mineral lipglaze from Revlon (color 500 – Lasting Shimmer), and some Maybelline Expert Wear eyeshadow (crease-free and fade-proof) in “Sunbaked neutrals.”
I snapped a picture of the example at the Maybelline display so that I could attempt to recreate the look at home. I might not be a make-up expert, but my eyeshadow DID prompt my 15 1/2 year old daughter to compliment me. Not too shabby, in my book.
Try Allegra out:
During the month of May, CVS shoppers can get a 30 count of Allegra for $17.99 with their CVS card. Also, check out the Allegra Makeover Game. Learn a not-so-obvious beauty secret and you could win a $50 CVS® Gift Card from Allegra®.
Connect with Allegra and CVS
- Website: Allegra.com
- Twitter: @AllegraOTC
- Facebook: facebook.com/AllegraOTC
- Allegra Makeover Game – TheAllergyMakeover.com
See the full shop experience, from drab to fab and in between in my #Clearbeauty Google+ album.
Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™. All opinions are my own. #CBias #SocialFabric
© 2012, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
I need to try some Allegra! My allergies are so bad I can’t wear makeup!