When you have four kids who have all attended the same elementary school, you tend to run into a few repeats. The same field trips, sometimes the same teachers, the same projects…and often the same presentations.
Last week, I got to watch my 3rd performance of Goin’ Buggy. This time, Twizzler was the star. The 2nd grade team puts on this adorable play every year about the bugs of the USA uniting for equal rights.
Last Monday, I made costumes. 15 black garbage bag fireflies with paper wings. They’ve certainly got the costume thing down considering how many years they’ve put this play on.
You’ll find us in the kitchen
You’ll find us in the hall.
You’ll find us in the woodwork
Or climbin’ up the walls!
We’re everywhere you go.
We may be anywhere you know!
We’re goin’ Buggy!
But don’t you swat us,
And don’t you smash us,
And no! No! Don’t use spray!
Why don’t you just try goin’ buggy today?
I have to admit–I felt slightly guilty when watching the cute ladybugs dance and sing, and listening to the other songs….I had squashed at least 3 bugs (including one ladybug–accidentally) in the 24 hours prior to the play. Ha!
Two more years and I’ll be watching Reese perform! Honestly, I sure hope we’re not still in this house by the time AJ’s in 2nd grade!
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