Did you notice AJ’s hair in those last pictures (the ones where he’s singing “Somethin’s stinky“?) Did you happen to notice that he desperately needed a hair cut? The first thing my sister said to me when she saw them was, “Wow! He looks like a little punk rocker. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen his hair so long.”
Yes, his hair is out of control. He has multiple monster cowlicks and his hair stands up, no matter how long it is. Spike. That should be his nickname.
So after dinner last night, CandyMan and I puled out the clippers. I held AJ and CandyMan clipped away. KitKat totally and completely got into taking pictures (I think I’m converting her to LOVING photography, even though she says she can’t stand it). She did pretty good, dontcha think?
He squirmed. He screamed. He tried to convince us to stop in the middle. He tried to convince us to let him go to bed early instead of getting a hair cut. In the end, we just clipped through the tears and he forgot about how upset he was as soon as he hit the warm bath water.
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