Despite the fact that I was very slow to get into the Halloween spirit, it appears that my kids were still able to have a pretty decent Halloween.
In keeping with past years, all five of my kids picked different costumes to wear on Friday (for school parties and the trunk or treat at church) and on Halloween. The parties at school were tons of fun, but the kids were not well prepared with their costumes. Reese was determined to be a witch. I was able to buy some green face makeup and the last minute, but apparently we either didn’t apply well OR her face was itchy.
AJ (as Jack Sparrow) and Necco (as the FedEx delivery person) spent the afternoon together. AJ was thrilled to go on the costume parade with his big sister, and Necco was thrilled to show off her cute little brother. I, on the other hand, was thrilled to have the freedom to run around the school to visit all of the classrooms without having to keep track of anybody. It was a win-win-win.
Twizzler has never enjoyed dressing up, so he insisted on being a skeleton (ie–he wore a skeleton t-shirt). Unfortunately, he is also very sensitive to extreme temperatures, and was miserable in the cold. PS–how cool is his teacher?? (he’s the one in the shades on the right side of the frame)
Fast forward to Saturday night…..AJ was very popular (and oh-so-happy) as Smee from Peter Pan (believe it or not, this is the second year he has come up with his own costume).
Necco changed to the grim reaper, complete with a scythe made out of a pole from the basement, cardboard, and tin foil. This pair trick or treated with me. We had a ton of fun (and one house even gave all 3 of us bags of Doritos. Score!)
Reese (who changed into “The Master of Blue”) and Twizzler (who spiced his costume up to be a dead cowboy….he was determined to wear that skeleton shirt….) went trick or treating with Twizzler’s best friend and his dad. They were moving way too fast for us.
PS–no body knows what the Master of Blue is. She just liked the cape and made up a costume to go with it.
As an extra little side note…..did you notice how part of my wall and door is still torn up after CandyMan kicked down the door a few months ago? I get to remember that day every time I leave the house. Lucky me, huh?
KitKat spent the entire day Saturday at her friend’s annual Halloween party, and then trick or treated with a few of her friends. She had a great time.
And after all was said and done, we had about 2 solid days of this:
Candy sorting, trading, and eating.
The candy eating is still going on full force, but I am finally keeping it off of the floor….

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