There’s something about the fresh air and the emergence of Spring that awakens my senses and makes me energized to be more active, eat more fresh foods, and enjoy the outdoors. This is nothing surprising – I do believe that Spring was meant to be this way.
Several days ago, I wrote about my search for a healthy balance. I will probably always be a work in progress – never perfect – but the important thing is that I am making progress.
And guess what? I am feeling happier, healthier, and energized. Here are a few things that have worked for me:
- I am exercising. I might be starting out slow, but I am staying physically active for at least an hour a day.
- I am taking a probiotic and daily vitamins. 4X Pro-B Probiotic from has been a huge blessing.
- I am cooking more foods with fresh ingredients (this season is so good fro that goal!)
- I am spending time each day outdoors. I’m embracing the afternoon time at the park with the kids.
- I am reading more books. Yes, reading takes time away from work that I could be getting done, but it calms me and keeps my mind active. That’s a good thing all around.
- I am drinking more water. And more and more….I just ordered some new filters for my favorite water bottle this morning!
- I am taking time off every afternoon to spend focused time on my kids. We’ve been playing games, reading, and just hanging out.
- I am getting more sleep (I admit – this weekend was not the best example of good sleep, but I did catch up with a nice Sunday afternoon nap!).
- I am learning to value my time more, and planning my days and weeks better than I have before.
- I am doing things for ME.
While book reading, planning my days, and doing things for me might not be typical things that you find on a healthy-living list, they have made a world of difference to me. I may not be losing weight quite yet (that’s the second part of my goal…) but I am feeling happier. And healthy and happy are so closely tied together.
What makes YOU feel happy and healthy? Do MORE of those things this week!

Note: This post was inspired by 4x Pro-B from and my continued efforts to find more balance (and more happiness) in my daily life. Find out more at or on their Facebook page.This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias (#CBias) Check out my Google + album for more detail on this shop!
© 2012, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
As I get older, I am learning how much being emotionally healthy is as important as being physically healthy. I’ve been following a whole, clean natural diet and also doing Yoga to relax. I’ve never felt better!
They aren’t cherry blossoms, but we’ve got a ton of beautiful blossoming trees in the DC area.
I think keeping each other honest is a great idea. :) I’ll be checking on your girl!
Lolli, are those cherry blossom trees? They are beautiful, whatever they are. I have on my list to go back to Washington DC during bloom season for those trees, I’ve been once and it is simply spectacular. I agree with everything on your list, I’ve been successful at most in the past two weeks as well. Yes, I want the weight to come off too, but in time. Let’s keep each other honest. I do feel better already. I’ve pinned many waters on my “Be a Better Me,” Pinterest board. Most flavored with fruits & herbs, I need to drink more water and I hope this will help me enjoy it more. I love it on a hot day, but it is not my ‘go to’ drink. Iced tea is and that’s okay, but I need more ‘mostly’ plain water!
Good for you, Lolli! I love the photos too.
Those photos of the trees are so beautiful!
Super post! I also did this shop and I’m feeling so much better after I’ve incorporated healthier habits into my life. It sounds like you have some super ideas on how to have a healthy lifestyle. Love it!
It makes such a difference! I enjoy my day more AND I can get more done when I have gotten enough sleep (although, really, does a woman ever truly get “enough” sleep?)
I love it! It sounds like we really are on the same path (I don’t have TV, so that’s not a problem for me. lol). I wish you luck!!
It makes such a huge difference, but I’ve found it harder than I would have thought to really drink a ton of water. :)
Great list…I should copy it for myself…I think I’ll start with drinking more water.
Great post! You and I are thinking the same thing on a lot of the things you mentioned. I’ve started eating healthier (my husband has stomach issues so I am trying to follow along with the Paleo diet); reading more; getting enough sleep; napping is awesome!; spend a lot of time with my grandson. A couple of other things I’m doing are: turning off the television and only taping a few shows that I can watch, commercial free, on a saturday or sunday afternoon; and since I am fortunate to be a telecommuter, I can keep up with errands over my lunch hour, plus laundry and dishes.
I could use a little more sleep always but I don’t really think of it as a way to Live a Little but you are right. I am going to stat tonight to make it a priority to get just a bit more sleep. Even if it is only a half hour. It will only help my life to be a bit brighter I am sure!