As a kid, I loved roller skating. Yes, I am a child of the 70s and 80s when roller skating was cool and we liked to hang out at the roller skating rink and skate around to disco music.
My kids are growing up in a different age, and 4-wheeled roller skating is no longer “cool.” However, I contend that kids these days are rolling just as much as we did in the 80s. Skating has just taken on a different form.

My 2nd daughter, Necco, has been begging for Heelys since she learned how to walk (ok, that might be a slight exaggeration). Truthfully, though, she has wanted Hellys for years, and when I was asked to review a pair myself, my first thought was, “Hooray! Necco and I wear the same size shoe! She can finally have the Heelys she’s always wanted!”
I chose a pair of Heelys that I knew would go with just about anything and that would look good on both me and my 12 year old tom boy daughter. Don’t they looks great on? I love that they look like normal shoes, and that Necco can wear them to school by simply removing the wheels.

I love anything that gets my kids out of the house and moving, exercising, and breathing fresh air. And if it’s something that my kids think is cool, then that’s even better (increased motivation on their part!). While Necco is still working on getting the hang of “heeling” she’s loving the new shoes…and the fact that her mom is cool enough to not only get her Heelys but pick out a pair she likes.

It was a total win on my part.

Heelys are the original shoes with wheels in the heels that allow the user to transition from a walk to a roll by shifting the weight to the heel. Users can also transform Heelys into street shoes by removing the wheels.
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Disclosure: I was given a pair of Heelys to review through Business2Blogger, but no other monetary compensation was received. As always, the thoughts, images, and experiences are my own.
© 2011, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
My Grandkids all had them for a time…but I think they have all outgrown them and moved on to different things. (:>) I hope Necco will enjoy them…and mom too!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
What a brilliant post!! The new roller skating shoes by Heelys are really attractive model. But I really liked the kid shoes pretty much. Thanks
I’m impressed that she’s on both wheels already! I see Mom is firmly planted on the ground… my butt was on the ground when I reviewed these. Lots of fun, but the kids are much better at it!