**Giveaway closed – The winner is Katie of Kady Did. Congratulations, Katie!**
Spring keeps teasing us around here. We’ll have a wonderful, sunny day and then we’ll have a week and a half of cold, wet weather. Despite the fact that the Spring weather hasn’t made up it’s mind yet, I have determined that it is officially time for Spring Cleaning. I’m ready to let some fresh air in, clean out my closets, wipe down my windows, and get my house back in shape.
But I need some help.
You’d think that after 16 years of marriage (later this month. Yay!), I’d have a handle on cleaning and cooking and know all the tricks around the house. While I do know my fair share of home management tips, I was floored when I got a copy of Home-Ec 101: Skills for Everyday Living and found so much that I didn’t know yet.
Home-Ec 101, written by fellow blogger Heather Solos of Home-Ec 101 (the blog), is full of easy-to-understand information, from cooking to cleaning to fixing things at home. I adore Heather’s down-to-earth writing style, and feel more like I’m chatting with her when reading than actually reading a resource book. I loved her charts (like the weekly chore chart found on page 25) but my favorite thing throughout the book was her scattered quick tips and humor.
For instance, on page 229, when speaking of swapping out cuts of meat, heather says, “All cuts of meat are not equal. In poultry, chicken has both white and dark meat.* Remember that pound for pound, white meat cooks faster than dark meat…” And then the * at the bottom says, “If there are other colors present, throw out the chicken.” Very useful wisdom.
About Home-Ec 101: Skills for Everyday Living
Home-Ec 101 is a functional guide that both scratches the surface of daily activities and also delves into more complex homemaking tasks, meaning that even the most versed homemakers will benefit from Heather’s insight.
Whether it’s cleaning grout, stocking a pantry, reducing a recipe, dealing with chocolate in the carpet or retrieving jewelry dropped down the drain, Home-Ec 101 will help readers feel confident in managing the domestic challenges of everyday life. Solos’ advice is easy to apply and written with the same witty style and attitude readers love on her blog, Home-Ec 101. Charts, tips, sidebars and “Dear Home Ec 101” letters cover all the details readers need to know to keep their homes clean and in good repair.
Inside you’ll find:
- Quick, easy cleaning solutions for every room of the house, so you can get the job done and get on with life
- Instructions for removing stubborn stains and offensive odors from fabric
- Simple fixes to wardrobe malfunctions including broken zippers, missing buttons, and fallen hemlines
- Troubleshooting advice for common problems with home appliances
- A minimum home maintenance guide to prevent or catch major repair problems
- A basic plumbing tutorial that includes clearing and preventing clogs, stopping a running toilet and retrieving items dropped down a drain
- Ideas for healthy and fast meal planning so you can start cooking and stop relying on takeout or preservative-packed convenience food
- Definitions of common cooking terms and techniques found in recipes
- Plans for stocking a pantry so you can make dinner (even if you haven’t been grocery shopping in a week) and be prepared when disaster strikes
- A complete rundown of essential kitchen equipment from knives to pans to small appliances
Heather Solos created home-ec101.com in 2007. The website and the author have been featured by StrollerDerby, ParentDish, Lowcountry Parent, The Post and Courier, and ReadCharlie. The website was also cited as a reference in Woman’s Day Magazine. Solos has served as a featured blogger on Type-A Mom and Blissfully Domestic. Heather can be found on twitter as @HeatherSolos and on Facebook as Home-Ec 101.
Would you like to win your own copy of Heather’s book, Home-Ec 101
To enter to win a copy of Home-Ec 101, simply leave a comment with the one area of your home that you need the most help managing.
For extra entries, do any (or all) of the following. Leave a separate comment for each task completed.
- Tweet about this giveaway (use the tweet button at the bottom of this post). Can be done once per day.
- Subscribe to Better in Bulk via RSS or email
- Like Better in Bulk on Facebook
- Sign up for the Home-Ec 101 Book mailing list. (This is a mailing list to stay up to date on author appearances, sales & future publications.)
This giveaway ends on Wednesday, April 13 at midnight Eastern time and is open to everyone, world-wide! Winner will be chosen at random and notified via email. Good luck!
Disclosure: F+W Media provided me with a review copy Home-Ec 101 for this post as well as another copy to give away. All opinions are my own.
© 2011, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
I’m an email subscriber.
It’s a tie between my basement and garage.
Cleaning. How do people do it? Ugh.
I need help with decluttering!
My kitchen!
The kitchen is the biggest mess all the time…I clean it and then….family!
wendym at cableone dot net
I tweeted https://twitter.com/#!/potlicker26/status/58233055420219392
My biggest problem is organizing my kitchen-too much stuff, not enough room
I need the most help with the Kitchen! I can’t seem to keep it clean even with daily cleaning. It’s cluttered and well, I just need help!
I like you on FB as Tracy Taylor
This is so embarresing but the place I can use the most help in is keeping my home tidy (huge blush) I tend to be on the let it go side – except dishes and laundry – I have those covered, but the rest, well, could use some guidence….
I need the most help in cooking dinner. calvad at aol dot com
I need help with laundry stains
I need help cleaning and doing small repairs
Sewing clothes that’s what I need help with.
I need help stocking our pantry!!!
The spare bedroom needs some lovin’!
i like on facebook (mrstinareynolds
i subscribe thanks
I need the most help with organizing especially my kids stuff eaglesforjack@gmail.com
I subscribed to the Hoeme-Ec 101 Book mailing list.
I am an email subscriber.
I could use more help in having an organized cleaning system.
My kitchen needs a complete overhaul. Again. No matter how much I pull out, there’s still cluttered cupboards and counters.
Hmmm. Probably the kitchen.
Tweet https://twitter.com/#!/LaceyDaBunny/status/57802772485115904
I need help with cleaning, mainly my bathrooms
I need help planning balanced meals.
I need help in the kitchen.
I like you on fb Jammie M
I need the most help fixing things. I hate having to depend on the hubs when something breaks.,
I need help with stain removal, especially from the carpets.
need the most HELP ON meals planning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh, I really need help with cleaning.
jo.tee35 at gmail dot com
Daily tweet:
I definitely need help in my basement and it sadly has such potential!
My kitchen definitely needs the most help!
vschilke at gmail dot com
closets and clothing.
I need help managing my living room. Its a wreck.
I could use lots of help with keeping dishes clean…I tend to do the laundry instead of cleaning dishes.
I need the weekly chore list! That probably sounds silly, but I’m a list person and having that makes me more likely to do something than let the dust bunnies gather.
I need a lot of help with everything, but one area is keeping my floors clean. They are just always dusty, no matter how often I sweep. Thanks:)
I need serious help with my closets!
The one area of my home that I need the most help managing is the kitchen because my husband and children are forever in the kitchen, spilling, leaving refrigerator doors open, taking packages and dishes out of one cupboard and “returning” them to another cupboard.
I need the most help in the kitchen.
I need the most help with the living area. Everyone uses this space & well…
I need some serious help with the entire upstairs of my house! With three kids under the age of three, it always looks like a bomb has hit.
My bedroom needs help.
Follow and tweeted:
I just need help with organization in general. Guess the living area would be where I would need the most help.
I need a little (a lot) of help in organizing! I try, but seem to be a complete failure where that is concerned!
The kitchen! My cooking skills don’t go beyond Kraft Mac n Cheese and spaghetti. And salad. I need help!
I think the book would be a great resource for teaching my kids about home-keeping.
The area that I need most help in organizing the house and my time.
I need the most help in my kitchen!!!
liked better in bulk on facebook
I need help in my childrens closet, and getting rid of things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’d like to know the fastest, most effective ways to clean my house so I can have more time free to do fun stuff!
I really need help with time management so I guess that would include meal planning, organizing, etc. ALWAYS can use a good book or blog for inspiration! Thanks!
I love it! Can’t wait to read it.
I need help with organization.
I like you.
I follow you.
I need the most help in the kitchen!
I need the most help with the laundry. All I know how to do is still stuff in the wash, followed by the dryer. And if there’s a stain…scrub some oxy clean on it before the wash. Help!?! :-D Thanks for the great and valuable giveaway!
I need to most help in pre-planning our meals……PLEASE!