Mama Kat’s Writing Prompt #2 stuck out to me this week: Relay an entertaining conversation or string of emails you recently had with someone.
If only….If only I had the chat stream between me and my friend, Safire, the other night. It’s a shame that the conversation is lost in Facebook chat-land somewhere, because it was very entertaining.
At least it kept me entertained for about an hour.
I always find it amusing to internet-chat with someone I see regularly.
Safire and I had been talking earlier that day about Chinese New Year and what animal year our family members were born in. I thought it would be amusing to look up everyone in my family and read their Eastern Horoscope profile. What’s better than family together-time analyzing personalities and horoscope??
The family night was amusing. Some people were upset by their profiles. Others denied. Most laughed.
It really got fun after the kids went to bed and I chatted with Safire about what we’d discovered. Now, I want to preface this by saying that I am not a horoscope-follower. But I love looking into personalities, and there is typically enough truth in these things that it makes me wonder….
Here’s what I found on
“Pigs are splendid companions, intellectuals with a very strong need to set difficult goals and carry them out.”
–Yes!! CandyMan has always been the type of person who loves a challenge. He is not satisfied with the easy road, and loves to set difficult goals.
“Their steadfast, patient nature make them good, amicable organizers, but even Pigs have limits, and their rage is something to behold!”
–Steadfast and patient? No. The something-to-behold rage? Um, yes.
“Pigs are exceptionally funny and good-humoured.”
–CandyMan is our comedian. Always the life of the party. Always ready with a joke, a one-liner, or a silly song to sing.
“When it comes to love, they are true romantics who spend the money for the full nine yards.”
–Yeah, not really.
“Tigers are sensitive, emotional and capable of great love.”
–Yes. Sometimes, to an extreme. Emotional! You should see me on hormones!
“They expect others to be honest with them, but criticism or disapproval gets them depressed.”
–This is so me! I expect honesty, but it often hurts. Way more than it should. (see “sensitive” above…)
“…their eagerness to face challenges…”
–Not me at all. Give me the easy road, thank you very much.
Shhh! She’s not too happy about it. I think it was this phrase that made her slightly unhappy:
“Rats have a tendency to be quick-tempered and overly critical.”
–Ahem. Yes.
“Their intelligence and observation allows them to quickly grasp a situation from multiple perspectives.”
–We noticed her negotiation skills and her ability to understand situations at a very early age. She is very intelligent and “gets” things very quickly.
“Rabbits are people everyone likes to be around — Affectionate, obliging, and pleasant, and they would never deliberately hurt anyone. The Rabbit’s conservative exterior hides a love for fun, which catches other people off guard. “
–This totally describes me sweet Necco.
“…they seem quiet (and even unattentive)…”
–Yeah, this could be her, too. For a very long time, I thought she wasn’t paying attention to anything.
“…superficial….and always fashionable…”
–Well, not yet.
Twizzler was born in January, and seems to fit better with the animal from the previous year, the Dragon. Apparently that often happens.
“They are intelligent, gifted perfectionists that are demanding of others.”
–I think we can stop there. That is my son. Highly intelligent. No one can dispute it. He’s in 5th grade math…in 3rd grade. He’s such a perfectionist that he refused to speak til he was 3. He wanted to make sure he had perfected the language first before opening his mouth.
“Dragons prefer demanding situations to everyday routines.”
–I think he would prefer to avoid the everyday routines AND the demanding situations….
It was spooky when we found out that Reese was born in the year of the Sheep. Her real name means Lamb, she has had a special lamb security toy since birth…If anybody has a connection with an animal, Reese is it.
Strangely, though, I didn’t find a lot in her profile that seemed to fit.
“Sheep sometimes hold back their emotions, and are not fully appreciated for their true nature.”
“They are first to complain about discomfort. Naturally pessimistic, mild mannered and even shy…”
–Definitely not. Reese is a sheep on the outside and a lion on the inside. Confident, positive, bold. She only looks like a sheep.
Finally, we’ve got AJ, our Rooster. The first to wake us up. The noisy one. The one always calling for attention.
“Rooster are shrewd and definite in their decision making, often speaking their minds.”
–Is it scary that I can say this is already true for a 4-year-old?
“They love to attract attention and admiration, and and get angry when someone steals the spotlight. Despite being melodramatic, they are exceptionally practical, logical, and have excellent powers of discrimination.”
–Yes, yes, and yes again!
What animal are you? Check out the profiles. Do you fit your animal’s description?
PS–Does anybody know why I can’t get “left-align” and “right-align” to work on my blog? On my post preview, it looks all spiffy, but it never stays that way when I hit publish. ??
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
My friends call me Kitkat :) I’ll have to go see what my animal is now..
.-= Kathy´s last blog ..Writer’s Workshop — A day late =-.
How funny. I don’t believe in horoscopes either, but I think the Chinese animal things are fascinating. I’m an ox and Glen believes that it’s a perfect fit for me.
.-= Lara´s last blog ..Are you a gazillion dollars richer tonight? =-.
This is such a great idea and entertaining as well. I think for amusement sake I just might have to do one of these for my family! That should promise to be quite comical! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Aww…thanks! It’s funny how prompts get me thinking about things I normally wouldn’t think to post about.
Haha! I left out a few things we talked about, though. :)
Yes, it’s totally my year. :)
That’s so fun!! I love hearing that. :)
That’s so cool! On that website, you can also read how the Western and Eastern horoscopes mix up. It’s fun!
Hilarious! I love hearing when people’s profiles are spot on. Cool!
Oh, I totally deny a few of mine, but it doesn’t take away the fact that it’s very amusing!
Sounds kind of like my daughter who is the Sheep. I love that she’s a sheep, but the description doesn’t fit her at all.
This is an awesome post! I love when you do the writer’s workshop they are some of your best posts. Not that I don’t enjoy your other posts… I really do these are just really awesome. It is funny because I was wondering about your family the other day and now I really “know” them haha!!
.-= Brandie´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday~Morning Stretches =-.
Yeah, that was one interesting conversation! :) And I always think it’s funny to chat with people on the internet too which is why I do it sometimes. And I totally had a deja vu moment reading your post and all the comments. WEIRD! See ya later!
.-= Safire´s last blog ..Just for Fun =-.
It’s your year, looks like! I’m always encouraged when it’s a year of a strong, impressive animal. That’s gotta be good, right? Now I have to go look up what I am…
.-= Amy @ Never-True Tales´s last blog ..Under Cover =-.
After reading through this I just had to smile. I was born in the year of the ox. And it fits. Almost all of it.
When compared with my other “horoscope personalities” it’s pretty much dead on. I’m a red personality, on the color scale, a Capricorn (very similar to the ox), and an oldest child.
All in all? I’m bossy, demanding, and mildly passive-aggressive. I’ll also stand by you through thick and thin, and lead the way through almost any situation.
.-= Pippi Longstocking´s last blog ..Odd (Wo)Man Out =-.
Good morning! I’m shocked how closely the description suits me! I’m a rabbit. Very introspective, I tell yah! I follow you anyway, but coming from Writer’s Workshop – I did the pic from last year assignment.
Cheers! Chat soon, Kat
.-= Kat @´s last blog ..” ‘Cause Baby It’s Cold Out(in)side” =-.
I love it! We always read the placemats at our local Chinese restaurant and giggle about how accurate they are.
I love it. Now I have to know what my daughters’ animals are. Thanks for sharing!
.-= Christie´s last blog ..Attempted Family Portrait =-.
What a fun post!
I love horoscopes and reading all the personality traits associated with each sign. I can usually name someone’s Western star sign based on the behaviors. Yes, I am that good. lol Such a Leo/Pig! ;-)
.-= Run DMT´s last blog ..Blissful Belly Moments =-.
I’m the Horse. And I am SO SO SO, really truly absolutely, the horse. It’s ridiculous, really. I am actually pretty sure the Chinese stalked me before writing that profile. :)
.-= Simply Valorie´s last blog ..Writer’s Workshop: Maya Angelou =-.
I’m a pig too, this is quite funny, some of these are true buit I’d deny others. Although I’m not sure everyone would agree with me!
Great post. I am a dragon which I love because I love dragons but the description doesn’t really sound much like me. My hubby is a horse and the description doesn’t fit him at all.
.-= Heidi´s last blog ..Dog Racing! =-.
I married the Pig. And then my first child was a Rat. Funny. So what are you? I think you’re the year after me, right? So that would make you a…..Rabbit?
This is so funny. Just yesterday the kids and I were talking about this in the car. Apparently I married the wrong guy b/c I was supposed to marry a boar or a rat I think and I married a rabbit. If only I had known back then maybe I could have found a boar…………:)
My husband and I are both monkeys. When I read further I’m sure that will explain a lot!
.-= Joey @ Big Teeth & Clouds´s last blog ..The great Barbie doll debate =-.
Now I need to go read about the Dog. Isn’t it fun??
And, no, I cannot believe that we’re going to get more snow!!
Thanks for such a great prompt!
My animal was right on… the Dog! It pretty much hit the nail on the head with me, down to the occupations: Activist… Politician… I guess that’s as close to saying grassroots lobbyist as you’ll get!
Hubby is also a Dog and while we are TOTALLY different people, when I read it while thinking of him- it was pretty on target as well! Crazy!
Now, we’ll have to see if baby girl turns out to be Ox-like! ;) :)
Glad you survived the snow! I can’t believe they’re calling for “wintery mix” on Monday! Oy!
.-= Rory´s last blog ..Then and Now: 9am today and 1pm today! =-.