The first week of school went off smashingly well. The kids were excited beyond belief to get back to school. Twizzler even used the word “thrilled” when asked to describe how he felt about starting school again.
I’m not sure if I should be happy or a little hurt about that.
This photo of Twizzler’s excitement may not be one of my best photos technically, but I love the energy here. I love that my kids love school. I love that they have had incredible teachers, and that we live across the street from a fabulous elementary school.
Today, AJ and I started back at the Parenting Resource Center, which for all intents and purposes is his school. Ever since the big kids went back, he’s been hounding me–daily–with “Is it time to go to the Resource Center NOW?” As we were driving to the center this morning, AJ said, “Mom? I’m happy.”
I could take all of this enthusiasm to mean that my kids are bored out of their minds at home. Instead of that, I chose to believe that I have been very successful at instilling a love of learning in my kids. It’s all about the attitude, right?

(Now go check out more Back to school pics form other bloggers on I Heart Faces. There are some incredible shots this week!
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