Reality after 5 kids…
Yesterday I stumbled upon a post on Babble, written by my friend Casey Mullins (aka Moosh in Indy) on what postpartum bellies REALLY look like.
The photos of other mothers inspired me, and although I am 6 1/2 YEARS postpartum my stomach still does, and always will, bear the scars of childbirth times five.

There is so much I could say. I could talk about my diastasis recti. I could mention my mom’s similar struggle and her years of exercise. I could whine about the fact that my body doesn’t look like it used to.
My stomach, though, is something I am proud of. Like my friend, Elizabeth (aka Party Planning Professor), I am embracing my wrinkles and sags as battle scars, signs of the miracle of these 5 children who call me Mom.
“You know how in Cars 2…..Mater refuses to have his dents fixed because they are proof of adventures he had with McQueen? Well, I would say these dents or scars are ones you had with your best friend too? And I think that is beautiful and awesome.” – Elizabeth
© 2012, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
You go, Momma! I don’t know if my belly was ever cute, but after twins and a 10+ lb baby, it’s still here 6 years later. Proud of mine, too!
Said on Scary Mommy Blog and will reiterate here – since when were wrinkles, stretch marks, saggy bellies and saggy boobs signs of imperfections? We are just as beautiful and perfect at this age and stage as when we were fat roly-poly babies with gummy smiles, chubby toddlers with pokey out bellies, gawky children with lingering baby fat and jack-o-lantern smiles, awkward teens with all the hormone related physical effects … the body is a source of wonder and beauty and perfection – at EVERY stage – and we should no more compare a postpartum mommy belly to a taunt teens and see failure than we would compare a fat poking out toddler belly to a taunt teens and see failure – how ridiculous would that be? Each stage is perfection just as it is!
Lolli, this is brilliant. My belly bares the scars of only two births, and I try to remember that each stretch mark is worth it.
Being a mother is worth every sacrifice we make…and we make a lot of them.
You are gorgeous, strong, tenacious and amazing.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what you said here. Thank you!
Totally worth it. You are brave and beautiful. xo
I don’t have the scars but I probably have an extra inch in my hips and waist. The price is worth the rewards for sure!
First, you were inspired. Next, you inspired. I’ve read tattoos tell a story of a person’s life. I think a mama’s belly tells a truer story. Thank you.
OK, I promise. Just for you (ok, I promise for myself, too…).
Yes, the kids are worth it. But it’s easy to “forget” and just see the stretch marks. As a funny side note, my youngest son LOVES to lay on my belly because it’s so “soft and squishy.” Another hidden blessing of belly flab. lol
I love how you said that. It’s easy to forget how BLESSED we are when we (or should I say I??) look in the mirror. But we are. Truly blessed, scars, stretch marks, and all.
You said it perfectly! Thank you!
gorgeous. i have the diastasis recti along with a pretty major belly flap. the kids were worth it though :-)
I don’t know if it’s really bravery. But thanks for saying I’m beautiful. :)
Wow – you are so brave, so real and so right.
Thank you. Don’t loose that empowered attitude.
Promise. I need you to have it. You inspire me. (and…it’s all about me:) ha ha ha
I immediately thought of the picture that is currently circulating around the web of a womans stomach with stretch marks. The caption states “Your body is not ruined. Your a Goddamn tiger who earned her strips”. I loved it!!
I looked for it online for you. I hope this link works. If it doesn’t, google it.
I won’t. I’ll be empowered. :)
Yes, they leave their marks. SOme are scars that you can see, and others are “marks” that only you can feel. But they are totally worth it!
I love it. :) Do you know how many women have bonded this weekend simply because of one picture? The private outpouring of love has been incredible.
you are my new BFF, you know that, right?
This is wonderful. I only have one, but definitely want more…. the first didn’t do too much damage, but its definitely not the same…. i know each child will leave there own little mark on me. :)
I LOVE this!!! Great job Lolli! Never be ashamed!
You are beautiful inside and out!
I think you look perfect! :)
You are amazing my love, simply amazing!!
You rock. Seriously. I need to change my thinking. Instead of longing for my old abs, I need to remember that I finally have the life I’ve always wanted. And it came with a birthing belly. Thanks for showing me the way!
You. Are. Brave.
And so so beautiful too!
Thank-you. Thank-you for saying what we all needed to remind ourselves. I think we forget that so many women are just like us – clothing hides the scars and words may hide their emotions, but on the inside we are all mama’s just trying to make it happen:)
After 16 years of marriage, I still think my wife (Lolli) is sexy. Wouldn’t change her for anything.
Next time i see you, I want you to write that quote on my belly with your magical Sharpie. Deal?
Thank you!!
Yes, there IS a cost. And I am willing to pay it. :)
Beautiful. All of it. Thank you.
Thank YOU for inspiring me. :)
Yes, I did know, Lisa. :) Thank you for your support and for your amazing words. YOU are a strong, beautiful, amazing mother with battle wounds, too. Wear them proudly. xoxo
You are awesome for recognizing the wonderful gift you have in your children and that it is at little cost. Good for you for embracing it!
Yay, thank you for participating.
Exactly. :) Luckily, the flabby skin hides well under jeans. lol
Love. This. So. Much. But you knew that already. xo
Lolli, I absolutely love this. I used to have a beautiful belly too. But now I have 4 beautiful children. I’ll take that over a beautiful belly any day!