I have a lot to smile about this week.
After 3 1/2 years of running and developing a start-up business, CandyMan has been hired back as Director of International Sales and Marketing at his old computer consulting office. His former (and current!) bosses love the foreign language software he’s spent the last few years developing, and are interested in merging the two and continuing to build PeanutButter. It’s a perfect solution, and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted. It will take some time to recover from the last 3 1/2 years. But it will be so much easier going forward with a paycheck. Hallelujah!
How appropriate that this week is birthday celebration week at I Heart Faces (2 Whole Years!), and that today’s theme is SMILES.
I searched through all of my photos to find a good smile shot (that had not yet been submitted) and I kept remembering these smiles from a photo shoot last month. This little one-year-old boy nearly refused to smile for the family photos we were taking…..Until Mom and Dad started getting silly. I love that Little Boy has a perfect smile and is looking straight at me, and Mom and Dad are being goofy. Sometimes, that’s what it takes to get a smile out of a little one.
© 2011, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
What a wonderful shot, Lolli! That totally looks like it came out of a magazine. :)
Love! What great expressions!
Beautiful family photo and congratulations to your hubby.
It’s a good start for 2011.
That is great news! And I love that photo – too adorable.
Perfect entry for this week. And no doubt you are all smiles with the good news for your hubby – congrats!
That’s great news! What a wonderful way to begin your year. And your photo is darling!
Congrats honey, you deserve all great things!
Yes, it is! It’s amazing how much brighter everything looks without a huge weight on your back. :)
Congrats! I know what you mean about the weight being lifted. 2011 is shaping up to be a great year!
Thank you! I am super happy. :)
My husband is definitely not done with his entreprenurial journey. I know he’ll give it another shot someday, because he believes so strongly in his company. But having an income right now is so worth taking a break (he was totally past burn-out stage, too).
Like I’ve said, I am grateful for the experience we’ve had…mostly that we’ve made it THROUGH the period of no income. I wouldn’t want to do it again, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone, but I’ve learned a lot, and will look at MANY things differently form now on. I know our struggles are not over (it will take a long time to get our credit score back up, that’s for sure!) but I feel like I can finally breathe. May 2011 be YOUR year to celebrate, too!
Thanks, Laurie! They were a fun family to photograph. It helps when the subjects are gorgeous, doesn’t it? :)
Thanks so much, Marlene! I’m glad I could get you to smile. :)
Thanks, Amy! I am still shocked that our period of near-unemployment is over. A huge weight has been lifted. :)
Thank you!! I suppose that the family shot is not one that they’ll hang on their wall, but it is certainly a happy one to look back on. :)
Well that is sure something to smile about. Great shot and congrats!
Thanks! I couldn’t be happier. And the hubby is happy….what more can I ask for?
Doing a happy dance for you!!! My hubby has been on both sides as well and is back on the entrepreneurial train for another shot at it lol
First talk about that amazing family photo! I mean who is more gorgeous? Then as we’ve discussed I cannot tell you how much I know how huge the weight lift is. I hope your good fortune comes my way and by the end of the year we’ll be celebrating (maybe even together) our good fortune.
I love this picture! It is so light and happy feeling!! Great job!
This photo is IT…I love this and it will have me smiling all day. Great job!
This is wonderful news…I am so happy for you!
This is fantastic news! I’m glad everything has worked out for your family.
Excellent news for your family! Congratulations!!
and bravo for an excellent capture of the SMILE! This is a cute cute shot!!
What a perfect moment. I am always thrilled when I can capture stuff like this and you’ve done a beautiful job.
What great news. Congrats.
So happy for your family and what great smiles!