In preparation for next week’s big Around the Blogosphere event hosted by me, Mama’s Losin’ It, Mayhem & Moxie, Scary Mommy, & Seven Clown Circus, I wanted to offer my readers a chance to win one of my favorite things.

I was actually referring to one of my favorite necklaces of all time, from Kristen’s Custom Creations (I’m wearing it in that picture!)
Kristen, who is also a mommy blogger at La Dolce Vita,
has just offered my readers a chance to win this gorgeous silver necklace:
This message – INSPIRE – reminds me of so many of the women that I have met through church, school, blogging, Fishful Thinking, the Blog Frog, and other activities, on and offline.
You inspire me.
You inspire me with your talent, your humor, your writing, your parenting, your organization. You inspire me with your compassion. And most of all, with your friendship.
Thank you.
If you would like a chance to win this necklace from Kristen, please visit her store and tell me about your favorite piece.
For extra chances to win it, you can do any of the following (just leave a separate comment for each thing done)
~ Tell me about a person that INSPIRES you.
~ Become a fan of Kristen’s Custom Creations on Facebook
~ Follow me (1momof5) and Kristen (klacustom) on twitter
~ Tweet about the giveaway
~ Follow, subscribe, kirtsy, stumble, fave on technorati, or digg (see hearts below)
This giveaway ends on Thursday, Sept 24 at 10:00 pm EST. Winner will be chosen randomly, emailed, and announced on my blog. Good luck!
© 2009, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
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