Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

~If you heard a squeal of delight this morning, it wasn’t me! Granted I DID get up at 5:50 to check my email to see if there was a message from the school district and I DO admit that there was an email letting me know that school was canceled because of the snow storm, and I DID turn around and climb back into bed…..but I certainly did NOT squeal in delight. I’m not THAT desperate to sleep in that I would be EXCITED that all 5 kids were going to be home another full day. I’ve lost count of the number of days they’ve been home because of sicknesses and snow days. I don’t have that many fingers and toes.
~In case you were wondering, I was not the one who polished off the bag of Lindor chocolates. It was SO not me!
~I am NOT in the middle of reading 4 different books…all at once. That would be so silly! With all of the reading I do, in print and on blogs, you’d think that I’d have headaches all the time. Thank goodness that’s not me! It would be such a PAIN to have headaches all the time! (PS-in case you haven’t seen, I’m giving away one of the books I’m reading, and will be giving away even MORE books soon!) But I’m not encouraging you to go over and enter my giveaway. Where’s the fun in that?
~I would also NEVER encourage you to visit my community at the Blog Frog. That would be like asking for friends! I’m not THAT kind of blogger! But if you MUST and you feel compelled to go see what’s up with the Blog Frog, let me tell you this: 1) It’s free and easy to sign up, 2) I’ve gotten more traffic from my Blog Frog connections (MckMama and C Jane Enjoy It in particular) than just about anywhere else, 3) when you sign in to become a member of my community, it’s like free marketing for your blog every time you visit my blog!, 4) it’s fun! It’s a little more personable than the comments on the blog (ie–people can respond to each other), and 5) My Blog Frog widget is on my left sidebar underneath my followers. But I’m NOT recommending that you check it out.
~I did not just eat 2 delectable apple muffins for breakfast. But I AM going to share the recipe with you later today!
Now what have you NOT been doing?
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