This post brought to you by New York Life. All opinions are 100% mine.
Keep Good Going
What does it mean to Keep Good Going? It means exactly what it sounds like – it’s about paying it forward, about passing on the good things that positively affect you and your family and positively shaping the lives of others.
“The Happiest Daughter” video tells the story of one little girl who has a fantasticly happy attitude despite her challenges. In the same breath, it tells the story of how all of us experience unexpected challenges. The important thing is making the most of whatever life throws at us.
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “Make lemonade out of lemons.” There have been many times that I have felt like my life was all lemons. Sometimes it’s easy to focus on the negative, the challenges, the shortcomings.
My secret in having a good attitude and making the most of what life has thrown at me has been to focus on the lemonade. Honestly, my experience blogging for the last 6+ years has been one of the things that has reminded me, time and again, that life is full of lemonade.
My mom was a great example of focusing on the blessings, especially considering the circumstances that she had to deal with as a young mother. But instead of dwelling on her challenges, she provided a happy, secure, and FULL life for me and my siblings that followed. My mom chose to Keep Good Going.
Join others in perpetuating the GOOD
New York Life has created a digital billboard to keep good going – to capture the real-time moments of families across the country (especially as we approach Mother’s Day this weekend!). You can join the positivity by sharing your own mom-related photos and the words of wisdom that your mom passed on to you.
How have you kept good going? What nuggets of wisdom has your mom taught you – in your childhood or since you’ve been a parent yourself? I’d love to hear!
Learn more about how New York Life can help you and your family Keep Good Going
© 2014, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
This is a heartwarming post. And I love the photo. Thanks for another great post!