For today since it’s Monday I thought I would do a NOT ME MONDAY, and I thought I would do a post on funny things that people (including me) in my family have said, even though I wouldn’t say this, NOT ME.

For those of you who didn’t see the first Kim’s Kool Kolumn, check it out at The First Kim’s Kool Kolumn. For some backup info…this is a “kolumn” that I will try to write every month. I am Lolli’s daughter(kit-kat but I refuse to use that name, my mom can use it in her posts if she wants but I am not going to). So keep a look out for my Kolumn and just keep up those komments, I love to hear what people think about it.
When Necco was about 4 we were at my grandma’s house and she went into my aunt’s room and came out with no shirt on and a purple sleeping mask on as a bra and said, “I’m not a boy”
When I was about 2 Necco was playing in the curtains and instead of saying “What on earth are you doing little lady?”, I said, “What are you doing little earth lady?”
Last night Twizzler and my dad were talking about genetic makeup and when my dad said that Necco had genetic makeup she said, “I don’t wear makeup.”
When Twizzler was 4 or 5 he started to have a major obsession with yellow so one day he went around the house collecting everything that was yellow and when my mom asked him what he was doing he said, “I’m collecting the family jewels.”
Twizzler: “Andrea, you got fat.”
Andrea: “No, I’m just pregnant.”
Twizzler: “Yeah, but you got fat also.”
Soon after my mom had Twizzler, I found her water bottle and was very confused:
Me: “Mommy I thought you said this broke.”(holding up the water bottle)
Mom: “What?”
Me: “Yeah, when Twizzler was born you said your water broke.”
The rest of these are just word for word out of a book:
When I saw that my sandwich was made of store-bought white bread, I said, “Oh! Not the yucky kind of bread!”
I rode the bus for the first time and when asked how it was , said, “It was great! I want to ride that everyday!” Earlier that day when one of the other mothers commented on how I looked a lot younger than the other kids i said, “I am not young!”
K: “Today was a VERY special day… Mom gave me popcorn and ice cream”
(Kind of a scary date to be special about something like that)
When my mom was sick I said,” Sometimes when another person is hurting, I wish that I could hurt instead. That’s how I feel right now. I wish I could be sick instead of you.”
My mom and I were talking on the phone(she was in Cali) and when she asked if she could talk to Daddy I finally said, “Ok, fine.” There was a brief pause and then I came back and said “hello?” in a deep voice and started cracking up at my own joke.
After having a nightmare that we were at a neighbors house where I looked out of the window and saw our house on fire, I asked my mom quite a question-“Is it true that fires make big black things & if you look at it, you’ll turn to a pillar of salt?”
When told that I would have P.E. that day i said, “Oh, dang-it. I don’t like P.E. day because all the things are so hard for me. Except scooters. I love scooters!”
K: “I think I’m really going to marry Kaleb when I grow up.”
Neighbor: “Oh yeah? And what will you do when you’re married?”
K: “We’ll get lots of kids, and I’ll be really busy all the time.”
K(after smelling something stinky):”Ooh! Something stinks!…If Daddy was here, I would have thought it was him…Cuz he’s stinky a lot.”
When my dad didn’t come home for dinner one night, I went on about how my dad’s boss was such a mean person. I said, “Mr. E must really like Daddy to work for him, but he just doesn’t understand that we we want him here with us…Mr. E must have a lot of work for Daddy.”
Well, hope you got a few good laughs out of some of those…speaking of which, don’t forget to follow the FISHFUL THINKING motto and be optimistic. Once again, Happy Memorial Day. Also, if you have any ideas about what I should do for other posts, TELL ME! Thanks for reading!
© 2009, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
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