I’m running a little behind on my Christmas cards, so I was compelled to use a favorite picture from last Christmas to wish you all a Merry Christmas today.
Yesterday, I had a brief moment of insanity when I thought it was a good idea to “stop by” Walmart to pick up some supplies for a Christmas party I am supposed to be helping to decorate on Friday. Honestly, I have seen Walmart much worse. But a trip to Walmart is never an in and out experience.
While there, I picked out a new lipstick. Mine was almost out. At the checkout, the cashier specifically handed the lipstick to me, and I put it in the top bag with the “delicates.” Five minutes later, I was loading my car, and decided to grab the lipstick to put in my purse.
No lipstick.
I checked all of my bags, the cart, my purse, and my pockets.
No lipstick.
If it had been a 99 cent pack of gum, I would have gotten in my car and gone home. But it was a 10 dollar lipstick that I needed, for goodness sake! I did the unthinkable and re-traced my steps back into Walmart. I spoke with the door greeter, the cashier (who made my day by saying, “Ahhhh….the infamous lipstick!”), and then finally to customer service.
Standing at the customer service desk, getting ready to tell my story, not feeling very hopeful that any resolution was in sight…..a tall man appraoched me form behind and handed me my lipstick.
“I saw you drop this in the parking lot. I recognized you and wanted to get it back to you.”
He turned and walked away. I left Walmart with a smile on my face. Such a small thing. But it totally brought the Christmas spirit.
Fast forward to last night, as I was making dinner. AJ and Reese were keeping busy by coloring a picture with a dark pink sharpie. It was cute, they were happy, and I let them.
This morning, I woke up and walked downstairs to the kitchen, and there was the pink sharpie-colored picture, face down on the kitchen table with a sponge on top. This is how my kitchen table will look forever, unless I can find a miracle cure for permanent marker soaked into wood.
The Christmas Spirit dwindled a little this morning.
And then I remembered SITSmas, and it was all better.
PS–the winner of my $35 Jiffy Lube Giveaway is From the Trenches of Motherhood!
© 2009 – 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
I hope that you find your miracle product, wish I knew of one! Sorry I am late, but I am making my way through the entire SITSmas list, I want to visit everyone to wish everyone happy holidays! So Merry SITSmas!
Merry SITS-mas a day late as I am playing catch up. From small kindnesses to big table disasters may your holidays be worth it all!
Ack! Your table! Have you gotten it out yet? I know I have pretty good luck with some dry oxyclean and a damp scrub brush. You’ll be pointing that out to those two for ever. :)
PS- The font size seems to be fine.
.-= Safire´s last blog ..Snippits Today =-.
Merry SITSmas to you. Those small things (like bringing your lipstick to you) make such a difference in our busy days. Good luck with your blog transition. I have thought about moving mine, but so far am not brave enough.
.-= Cynthia At A Shimmy In My Spirit´s last blog ..Turquoise Top Color For 2010 =-.
Love that first photo :)
Hello and Merry Sitsmas!
OH NO!!!! Dang sharpies…they’re the bane of my existence! Good luck with that!
Oh no.
Merry SITSmas, anyway.
Such exciting stuff about your transition. Hope it wraps up really easily.
Merry SITSmas!
.-= Kelly Hoosier´s last blog ..Merry SITSmas :o( =-.
Have a very Merry SITSmas!
.-= Sandy´s last blog ..Merry SITSmas! =-.
aww – man – this happens in my house too oftentoo! love her nails
Merry SITSmas!!
Woohoo for wordpress. Everything looks great…your table on the other hand…eh…not so much.
.-= Mama Kat´s last blog ..Victor E. Wishes You A Merry Sitsmas =-.
Oh, noooooooooooooo!!! Time to pick out a fabulous new tablecloth. Ugh!
Yes, it’s WordPress. Actually, it’s comment luv. Still getting used to everything.
A pink table?? Hot pink no less? I can just see it now. Thanks for the idea!
What a truly darling photo at the top! Love her little red and green painted nails! Wishing you a very merry SITSmas!
.-= joy´s last blog ..SITSmas time is here =-.
Alright…what’s your secret? Please tell me it’s not WP! How did you get the option to add your Twiter name to the comment section. I have a feeling I know what you’re going to say…
.-= TrenchMommy´s last blog ..Top Poster: Mommy’s Time =-.
Oh dear. Pink sharpie. Maybe sand the table and re-stain? Maybe do the whole thing pink?
Merry SITSmas!
.-= SITSGirls´s last blog ..Happy Chickadee Silver Metallic Sweat Dress. =-.
Merry SITSmas!!! hope you get a Christmas miracle for your table!!
.-= Katie L.´s last blog ..Merry SITSmas! =-.
Oh Lolli! I’m feeling the pain of the sharpie & dancing over the find of the lipstick. On the sharpie…have you tried a magic eraser by Mr. Clean? Or do you need to run to Walmart again to pick one up? They have worked some miracles around our home at times.
Oh, and thank you *blushing* for the link for being winner! Woot! Woot! I’m so excited!
Sorry I missed the story but your “backup” picture is FAB! I love her nails. And may have to duplicate.
Merry SITSmas!
.-= Brandy U´s last blog ..Merry SITSmas! =-.