Welcome to Lollidale Family Farm!
We left suburban Maryland and bought our 8 1/2 acre farm in the early Fall of 2019. Neither of us had any experience farming (beyond backyard gardening), and honestly we didn’t buy farm land with the intent to become full-fledged homesteaders. We started with a small flock of chickens and 4 ducks. Blame it on COVID or on The Biggest Little Farm, but it wasn’t long before we added some rescue sheep.
Not long after we brought our sheep home, we found two Nigerian Dwarf goat brothers (wethers) who needed a new home. They had been raised in a backyard in the city of Baltimore, but at 9 months old their family realized they needed more space than their urban backyard could offer. It didn’t take us long to fall in love with goats.
In Winter 2022, we had our first Nigerian Dwarf babies born on our farm, but we soon realized the value of bringing in high quality dairy animals (versus the rescues that we had been raising for the first little while). In Spring 2022, we purchased our first ADGA-registered goat in milk, Sunny Daze Rose Gold 4*M, along with her buddy Sunny Daze Wild Thing, who we purchased without her papers (she is a dream to milk, and we love her so much, so for now she still has a place in our hearts and on our farm).
On March 20, 2023, our first ADGA-registered babies were born on our farm, with our farm name. Sunny Daze Rose Gold (who we lovingly refer to as Marina around here) delivered 5 healthy babies (her second time delivering quintuplets) – 3 bucklings and 2 doelings. Two hours later, Sunny Daze Wild Thing (called Mona on our farm) delivered quadruplets – 2 bucks and 2 does. We retained Marina’s two doelings, Lollidale Lucerne (Lucy) and Lollidale Santa Clara (Clara), sired by Riverwatch BB Firebird. The rest, as they say, is history…
We are constantly growing and learning here at Lollidale Family Farm. We love our animals, the delicious milk they provide, the soaps we’ve learned how to make with that milk, and the beauty that surrounds us everyday on our farm. Our time here is made even better by being able to share our animals with our community. Thanks for stopping by!
Please note: We are a clean-tested herd with a strong focus on bringing in high-quality dairy genetics, and hope to participate in milk testing and other ADGA performance programs in the near future.
Follow us on Facebook: Lollidale Family Farm
Follow us on Instagram: @lollisfarm