My friend, Caitlin, who helped me get to BlogHer last year with Mabel’s Labels, just shared this inspiring video with me, and I thought I’d share. I dare you to watch this video and NOT feel connected with one or all of these women. I love that these are all women that Caitlin knows and works with daily. What strength!
We really ARE more than a label. I have been labeled many things. I was a young mom like Caitlin. I am a Mormon. I am a blogger.
And I am so much more.
Today, I am a daughter, and I am enjoying some one-on-one time with my mom.
Who are you?
© 2011, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
Lolli, Thank You So Much for sharing our More Than Just a Label video! Putting it together was an incredible experience. I am so proud of my fellow staffers for taking part in the video as well.
Julie – I love your comment – we do need to be more mindful of those around us. You never know what someone is going through on any given day.
I am many of those labels, But the label I love the most is ‘Being a Daughter of God’ and everything that comes with that. I am Mexican, I am Overweight and I am Mormon. Through my trials I have learned to accept societies labels placed upon me, but that doesn’t mean that other’s/or my Responsibility to ‘Love one another’ is not still in effect.
Thank you for sharing this great video!
Oh thank you for sharing this! I’ve been judged very harshly lately, and it was painful, but that you for this tender mercy.
I ran across a blog of a woman in my ward the other day and learned of some of the suffering and pain she has been through in her life. I had no idea. Now, I see her, and I want to be gentle with her. I respect and admire her so much.
Last night, we had a Relief Society dinner and a lesson on relieving stress. During the lesson portion, the woman behind me stood–an immigrant from Brazil. She shared about what it was like to come to this country and the broken promises and the hurtful things that caused her great amounts of stress.
I now want to love her for all that she’s been through.
Wow! I had no idea.
Your video has put it all into perspective. We all have our burdens that we carry. We all need to gentle with those around us–caution: handle with care.
Thank you again! It touched my heart.
Lovely! I love Mabel’s labels :)