My mornings start at 5:00 am. My first alarm goes off and I check to make sure that my oldest daughter is awake and getting ready for her early morning seminary class before high school.
I go back to sleep until 5:40 am, when I take up my position at the front window, watching for KitKat’s ride.
At 6:00 am, I slip back into bed for 30 minutes until my 6:30 alarm goes off. Time to wake up Necco and Twizzler, who catch the 7:15 bus to the middle school. I typically catch another 30 minutes of zzz’s before they leave. Thank goodness for older kids who can dress and feed themselves.
My morning really starts at 7:00, when Necco and Twizzler leave and my focus changes to the two younger kids. They take a lot more of my attention to get dressed and out the door. We leave the house together at 8:15 and walk across the street to the elementary school.
The walk to school is my favorite part of the morning, and it’s not because I’m getting rid of the last 2 kids for the day. It’s during that 7 minutes walk that I get to hold AJ’s hand. Every single morning I wonder when he is going to stop wanting to hold my hand.
I’ve decided to enjoy it while I can. I’m holding on.
PS – Mornings are tiring (and, yes, I know that I would be better off if I went to bed early and stayed awake to get work done at 5:00). I am stuck in a rut of working after the kids go to bed. I can’t get over the fact that I am so productive. Ahh!

Hosted by Cecily and Lolli
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Good grief! I don’t know if I could keep up with all of that! Yikes. You must be a supermom. :)
Awe…I am with you. I just wrote about savoring those snuggles for as long as I can just the other day. Sweet picture. Impressed that you got it!
your day starts early:) Hold on to the hand while you can…mine is growing fast and I am trying to squeeze every moment.
Wow, that’s early!
Such a precious shot!
Joining your meme for the first time.
I knew there was a reason we connected SO well… our morning are EXACTLY the same.
I do the same thing at night and in the morning….
LOVE the hand holding pic. SO SO sweet!
Both of my boys still hold my hand, and I love it!
Love the love!
5am? wow, good for you! my morning starts at 6:30.