Months ago, with BlogHer well in the distance, and no money in my account to purchase an early bird ticket, I took a gamble. I applied to be a volunteer and figured that I’d go only if I was chosen as a volunteer and got the free ticket. As luck would have it, I was chosen, got my volunteer ticket, and then searched for a few friends to share a room with at the Hilton. Since I can take the train to New York City, I figured that I’d be able to get away with fairly minimal costs for the trip. But still, BlogHer is not cheap.
So when I heard about the “Journey to BlogHer” contest with Dodge, I figured it was worth entering. When I read their prompt (describe your journey to becoming a blogger and why you want to win a trip to the New York City BlogHer Conference) I was inspired to write this short paragraph about my own journey to BlogHer:
When my 4th grade teacher asked the class what we wanted to be when we grew up, I answered simply “I want to be a Mom/Writer.” I always knew that I wanted to be a mom and I developed a love for writing at an early age.
As a quiet introvert, I always had difficulty vocally expressing what was inside me, but on paper everything came out. Fast forward 28 years to today; I never would have guessed that my young dream to be a “Mom/writer” would be realized in such a profoundly emotional, fulfilling, stimulating, and socially exhilarating manner. Today I have more friends than I ever did as the “quiet girl.” I love what I do…because of the chance I have to express myself in writing daily, challenge my brain, make friends, and still be a good mom to my 5 kids.
BlogHer ’12 is the reward, the place where all I’ve worked for comes together, but mostly, Blogher is my opportunity to connect with those people who have brought an added dimension of meaning and purpose to the life of this stay-at-home-mom-turned-blogger. I’m one of the lucky ones. I am doing exactly what I envisioned I wanted to do when I was a young girl. BlogHer will help me keep doing that…and do it even better.
I’ll admit – it took me just a few short minutes to write the paragraph. I hit submit and tucked the contest in the back of my mind.
Imagine my shock when I received an email a few weeks later declaring me one of two winners (I found out later that the other winner was my friend Emily Vanek from The coolest part (besides the prize) was the fact that my little paragraph was chosen by a panel from Dodge out of hundreds of entries, not randomly, but on merit. Apparently, they liked what I had to say.
So in addition to the BlogHer ticket (and, by the way, I was able to release my volunteer ticket so that someone on the waiting list could go), Dodge is giving me 5 nights at the Hilton, a new iPad (something my husband is over-joyed about, since he’ll be getting my old iPad), transportation to New York City, and $750 spending cash. I’m using some of that cash to see Newsies on Broadway on Wednesday night.
Yes, I am still overwhelmed by the incredible blessing that this Dodge Journey to BlogHer sponsorship is. I can’t wait to meet fellow bloggers, old and new friends, and connect with the many brands that will be at the conference. If you’re going to be there, please make sure to grab me for a hug!
© 2012, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
I know just what you mean! I’ve been lucky enough to find very cheap ways to get to all of the conferences I’ve been to, whether I found sponsors or volunteered. You should try for next year!
Oh, thank you! It was so good to see you last night (was that really just last night?).
Your win is so deserved – you are amazing!!
Congrats, that’s awesome!
No way I could go (and pay)..I need to keep my eyes peeled for opportunities like this next year!
I totally agree. Thanks!
Thanks, it is possible! I was sponsored by Mabel’s Labels in 2010. It’s the way to go! ;)
Thanks!! I’m excited to see you! (I’m totally cracking up at the title of your last post. Lol)
Oh my gosh, that is so awesome! I am so happy for you! And I can’t wait to see you there!
You deserve it!
This is wonderful news and I’m so happy for you. It also gives me hope that for next year I may be able to find some sponsorship or a way of paying for a conference ticket. Be it BlogHer of another conference. Congrats. Enjoy your time in NYC!!!
Wow! Talk about a once in a lifetime opportunity! Have a fantastic trip!!
That’s great! Congrats! :)
Hmm. Sounds like we need to compare schedules! And exchange numbers. :) I can’t miss giving you a hug!
I was so excited to be able to fit Newsies in! I’ve been wanting to see it! I’ll probably end up writing up a review or something, just for fun. :)
How fantastic! YAY! I am so excited for you. What a fantastic opportunity! Can’t wait to see you… and hear all about Newsies too! :)
Oh my goodness how exciting and amazing! So… now that I don’t have to look for you at check-in… where can we meet up?! Can’t wait to hug your neck friend!