Were you around for my Spring Fling Giveaways? Among other things, I offered a copy of My Little Red Book
by Rachel Kauder Nalebuff to FIVE of my readers!
Here are the names that I drew:
1-Beth at Manic Mother
2-Angie at Seven Clown Circus
3-Michelle at One Crafty Mama
5-Shauna at Trying to Stay Calm
I just have to share Michelle’s comment, because it made me laugh so hard when I received it, and then again when I picked her number. (Remember, I also gave away a Build-a-Bear Gift Card as well as a Gas card.)
Michelle: “Great, I could get some gas on the way to BAB and then read about periods while the girls stuff bears! What could be more fun??”
And on that note, I’ll say good-bye! Lots to do today!
PS–Winners, you should have all received emails from me. Please send me your addresses within 48 hours or I’ll need to pick a new name.
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