My birthday present came in the mail today. Since I picked it out and ordered it, I figured it was ok for me to open it a week early. :) I decided that it was time for me to upgrade my “old” camera (isn’t it funny how electronics are so old after a few years?) and so I put all my birthday money towards a new Canon 40D body. I love it!!
I didn’t get too much play time with it today, since the majority of my day was spent running errands, then cleaning up vomit from the car and carseat!!! Yes, sweet little Apple got sick big time while I was driving from one errand to another. I turned the car around fast and headed straight home, but the damage was done long before I pulled in our parking space. It’s amazing what an ordeal cleaning a carseat and a car seat (notice the subtle difference there?) can be.
Despite his pre-lunch problem, he was fine the rest of the day. He has eaten and kept food down, played at the park, taken a stroller walk with me, and thrown a typical nightly 3-year-old fit. BUT since he was sick, I have to bag my fun plans for tomorrow and keep him home. You can bet I will find ways to play with my camera, though!
Here are some shots from today: Apple staring out the window, waiting for the kids to come home.Eating lunch…..notice Kiwi’s great hair cutting skills? Speaking of haircuts, I cut Peanut Butter’s hair tonight and he didn’t even snap at me! LOL! He complimented. Wow! Haircutting can be a tense time, and since I’ve talked to other wives with the same problems, I know I’m not alone. :)
Peeking down from the playground climbing thing….
I love the look of concentration. Just like Daddy, he always has his tongue sticking out when he’s thinking hard. “Hmmm…so how can I get from HERE to THERE?”
Smart boy found an easier way. The other side of the climbing thingy is much closer to the platform!
“Look, Mom! I found a stick. See how far I can throw it!” Does this boy look sick to you??
I almost deleted this picture because it was blurry, but the girls cried, “No! Don’t delete that! It’s the cutest picture of the day!” Run, Apple, run!
Later this evening, as I got ready to cut PB’s hair, Reese asked my if she could use my new camera to take a picture of Daddy….NO! But she COULD use my old point and shoot which is now Noodle’s. I thought she looked pretty cute!
And then, while I was buzzing away, she got into the costume bin and tried on a costume that used to be mine.
Also while I was hair-cutting, Apple made a bird house. I’m not sure why Reese pushed it up against her head, but it made me laugh. Last week, my sister brought us some bird seed which someone had left HER a while ago. Oh boy, have my kids put that bird seed to good use!! We made the classic pinecone and peanut butter bird feeders, one tissue box bird feeder, and now this Curious George bird feeder (did I mention it was Apple’s own design?). Sad thing is, I haven’t seen ONE bird eat any of the bird seed. But the local chipmunks and squirrels LOVE it.
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