Want the update on the doctors visit? First of all, the boys got a toy bag full of mag neatos which they totally and completely LOVED. If I ever see them at Unique I will buy them!! (PS–Unique is my favorite place in the whole world. A thrift store, of course. Practically the only place I buy toys)
Also included in the bag were toy doctors tools. AJ was just thrilled to NOT be the patient today.
Twizzler got ready for the doctor to come in. A nurse stopped by and gave him a quick throat swab. He’s getting pretty accustomed to those.
Twizzler decided to play a little “doctor” to AJ….
….and to the doll (also included in that very helpful bag of toys). Still waiting for the doctor….
Woohoo! Doctor’s here! Guess what? NO STREP! And since they’re not counting the last time he had it, he is still 2 STREP CASES away from “qualifying” for getting his tonsils out.
(I had taken him earlier in December and the strep test had come back negative. The dr gave him a just-in-case Rx that I held onto in case it turned worse…..which it completely DID, just a few days before Christmas. I filled the Rx. I’m sure he had strep, but they won’t count that time because it’s not documented!)
This is the story: Since he had three back-to-back cases of strep this Fall, and since his tonsils are on the large side to begin with, they are simply easily inflamed. If he breathes through his mouth at night…..sore, red throat. If he gets a little runny nose…..sore, red throat. If he has allergies….sore, red throat. But since it is not strep, there’s nothing to do about it.
I DID get a referral to an ENT, but I really don’t want to shell out MORE money to have ANOTHER doctor tell me that we’ll just have to wait it out. The same thing happened with KitKat a few years ago. This is not new to me. But it’s not any less frustrating.
Since we were there, and his birthday is coming up so soon, the doctor DID at least show SOME mercy on us and take care of his “well”-child visit.
51 lbs, 50 1/4 inches tall. Blood pressure-fine. Hearing and vision-A-OK.And now we’ll be giving you two shots.
Poor guy requested to sit on my lap and didn’t make a peep while he was given his two shots. While he was putting his coat on to leave, I saw his lip quivering. I made him a “Boy-cheese” sandwich (oddly similar to a GRILLED cheese sandwich) and let him have some Poptropica time on the computer.
Only 20 minutes before the rest of the kids come home from school. Is there time for a nap?
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