It’s almost Monday, right? MckMama over at My Charming Kids posts a regular Not Me! Monday….As she puts it, “Not Me! Monday was born out of a desire to admit some of our imperfections and reveal a few moments we’d rather forget.
Well, for one, because it’s just plain fun to pretend that we really did not do the things that we actually so did do. And, two, because reading through great tales of other people’s Not Me! Mondays each week is a great way to level the playing field. We’re all human, we all take embarrassing shortcuts, and so we may as well show each other that we’re all in good company!”
So here I go…..
*I haven’t been staying up well past midnight all week….
*And I certainly haven’t been sleeping in and staying in my pajamas until after lunch (which is really breakfast and lunch all rolled into one)
*I didn’t delete a comment that I made on today’s earlier post…the one about KitKat asking if she could start shaving her legs. No! Of course I didn’t delete that after she asked me if she could read the blog. Hmmm…If this comment misteriously disappears sometime in the near future, you’ll know why!
*And I didn’t have running through my head, “I wonder what else I’ve posted about Kitkat that she’s going to be upset about now!” Oops! Like the glaring picture the other day…..I didn’t get another glare for that one. No siree!
*Last but not least, I am not doing a happy dance that the kids are going back to school tomorrow. Because I really do love having them around (it just makes things a whole lot noisier and messier and more crowded and in my teeny home when there are 6 of us home all day).
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