It’s time for Not Me! Monday once again! Ok….so Monday is half over, but we’re not going to discuss that, right? This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
(I did not copy this from MckMama’s blog, by the way…..) Not Me! Monday, has given me something fun to look forward to on the first day of each week…sharing my imperfections while pretending I actually am perfect…and checking out all of your blogs as you do the same. Because, seriously, none of us are perfect, so we may as well revel in our imperfections while amongst good company!
I was not planning on posting a Not Me post today because I just had too many other things on my plate today…..Somehow I found time or motivation over my last load of laundry. You see, it was while I was doing my laundry that I realized that my weekend was PERFECT Not Me Monday material. Just don’t laugh too hard at my pitiful life.
It’s been a busy week and an even busier weekend, and I am proud to say that I did NOT throw a fit yesterday when, just hours before Twizzler’s baptism, I discovered that the slideshow that I had put together over the last few weeks was completely messed up when we moved it onto CandyMan’s computer. I was not stressed or upset at ALL when the song that we had picked put to play in the background somehow wouldn’t work. Not me! I kept my cool!
And I certainly wasn’t worried when I got to the church 30 minutes early only to find out that another group had taken over the building without checking to see if it was already scheduled (it was–by US!). Hmm….I was totally calm for that one, too.
And then, when the pianist started playing the opening song and I looked down and realized that I had handed CandyMan the WRONG music to copy off….and that the room of 50 other baptism attendees were totally confused about what they should sing….I did NOT turn red in the face and want to hide under the bench. I just laughed it off. MMm, hmm.
And when I heard that the OTHER group had hijacked a few of our snacks before the service was over, I just figured that they needed them more than we did. No biggie.
I am not going to post a totally embarrassing profile picture of me (because secretly it doesn’t make me laugh). I love my profile. I’m not at all embarrassed by my nose. Nope.
I was completely happy and fulfilled at the end of the evening. Really. I didn’t feel like a complete failure of a mom for messing up Twizzler’s big day. Ugh.
And now that it’s over, I am not at all overwhelmed by all of the pictures and stories I “need” to blog about this week. And all of the post-house-guest clean up that I need to do. I live for it. Bring it on!
Beat that.
It beat me.
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