I did not neglect my son’s hair to the point that it looked like he was wearing a Russian Fur Hat.
It really IS a fur hat.
Oh. There’s two of them? Oops. I guess I really have been neglecting the hair department….AJ looks less like a Russian fur hat and more like a porcupine or something. But he’s HAPPY!?!
Again….the resemblence is striking, isn’t it?
So there’s no reason to admit that I gave in to big sister’s request to give AJ a mohawk. How embarrassing!
AJ was totally happy to get his hair cut. I swear. Didn’t cry or fuss a bit!
After KitKat and Daddy were done and AJ got cleaned up, he was NOT totally thrilled with his new do. He didn’t yell out the front door for all of the neighbor kids, “Guess what?! I’ve got a mohawk!”
As cute as it may be, we didn’t keep it (really). We shaved the rest of it off. But it sure was fun while it lasted.
I mean….not fun! No, I didn’t have fun at all!
PS–This post is a part of Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
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