Join me for another addition of Not Me! Monday. A list of things I absolutely did NOT do recently. Just so you don’t leave my blog with the impression that I’ve got everything under control. What about you? What have you NOT done?

First of all, I did NOT take a nap yesterday. I would have loved to, but instead, I spent time reading to my kids. (Oops!)
And after that nap that I didn’t take, I did NOT sleep in today and I certainly did not secretly thank KitKat for being sick and having to stay home from school today. I really DON’T mind her leaving for school at 7:15. It’s GREAT!
And after NOT sleeping in, I totally did not stay in my sweats without taking a shower or brushing my teeth….and I did NOT answer the door TWICE looking like a sorry, unkempt mama. (I have showered now, don’t you worry!)
I did NOT stuff random toys in a bin and put them on a shelf just so the basement would “look” clean. No way! I always put things where they belong….just like I tell the kids to do!
I NEVER check and recheck my blog to see who has commented and who has visited. Ever. I swear.
And, to be a little bit more positive, I totally did not do a little dance when I won TWO blog giveaways this weekend. Yes, two!
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