We’ve come to that time of the week once again where I join MckMama at my Charming Kids and a gazillion other bloggers out there in Not Me Monday, where we can be brutally honest with each other, and live to tell about it, while we shroud the severity of our statements by pretending we so did not really do them! (MckMama’s words! Love her!)

Apparently, I didn’t explain myself very well last week before I started “confessing” to all of those things I didn’t do. You see, I really didn’t do any of those things I mentioned. Oh no! I would never be lazy and stay in my sweats and t-shirt all day! Not me! And I certainly wouldn’t do it again after (not) confessing it to hundreds of people.
So here I am at the beginning of another week. I am desperately hoping that this week is a little more enjoyable than last week. I think that in order for this week to go better than last week, I will have to take a Clorox wipe to every surface in the house. I think we’re breading germs over here.
Of course, I haven’t cleaned vomit up off the basement carpet twice in the last week. No, no, no! And I certainly didn’t put a quilt down on the ground when I was doing the laundry so that the smell wouldn’t transfer. Oh! That would be terrible to admit that I couldn’t get the smell out!
I haven’t been sitting at home all week long….Ooh! Except for that wickedly indulgent Girls Night Out that I DIDN’T attend on Thursday. I wouldn’t leave CandyMan home at night after a long days work so I could go to a friends house and give myself a heavenly pedicure. No–I wouldn’t leave him home with sick kids and forget to kiss him on the way out the door!
And I didn’t eat about a dozen of those petit fours (every day since Thursday?!?) because my dear friends did not eat enough of them for me! Thanks goodness I can HONESTLY say (really this time) that it was Wednesday (the day before making the petit fours) that a friend suspected for a moment that I was EXPECTING again. I’m not. REALLY! really. I’m not. (I hope I don’t freak anybody out here–I’m really NOT pregnant)
I haven’t given myself a crick in my neck from all of the typing I’ve been doing lately. At least I can say I’m getting SOME productive things done. Typing out and organizing recipes and writing photograph tips are IMPORTANT, don’t you think?
I would NEVER beg for people to click on my adsense links (aren’t those things annoying?!). But if you knew I got over a dollar per click, would you do it? Maybe? Never mind. I would never stoop that low!
Oh, it’s sad all of these things that I haven’t been doing.
Good thing I haven’t been staying up too late. I’d be in big trouble if I were doing that. :)
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