After a week-long blogging break (yes, I really did take a break!) I am back and ready to get back to work (and for all of you wondering…Yes, blogging like this IS work!)
I figured I’d kick of my official return to the blogging world with a Not Me Monday, inspired and hosted by MckMama of My Charming Kids. You can head over to her blog to read what everyone else has not been doing this week (most weeks, at least!).

I have to say after the week of non-blogging, I never once had the urge to blog about the things that we were doing. I never even thought about my blog. Ahem.
And I never once during the week murmured or complained about all of the RAIN that we got. I didn’t mind being stuck inside with all 5 kids for a week. No! Not me! And the kids didn’t complain, either! No, not MY kids.
I am not looking forward to taking KitKat and Twizzler to the ENT this week. (Hello–It’s about stinkin’ time!)
My face is not mysteriously swollen (and apparently getting worse), and I don’t feel like I’m falling apart. Geesh.
And, lastly, I am not at all upset that I appear to be the only one who didn’t get White House Easter Egg Roll tickets. Being on the ABC evening news was totally an even trade-off. I am not sad at all that my sister and friends are all having fun at the White House today. No, I’m not complaining. I didn’t find out last night that I am the only one in the family who even cares about going. And, I totally did not harbor a secret wish yesterday that today’s weather would be as terrible as it has been all Spring Break.
(I am not embarrassed about posting this!)
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