I typically spend my Monday mornings writing about all of the things I haven’t been doing with MckMama’s Not Me Monday. But this morning, it just wasn’t in me. No inspiration at all. I was saddened this morning when checking all of my blogger updates that MckMama’s sweet Stellan is in the hospital again, this time with SVT, a heart condition that I know all too well. My adult body is knocked out by my SVT episodes, but I can’t imagine what little Stellan’s body is going through. My prayers are with their family today.
At the same time, I also came across a post that I had missed over the weekend while I was enjoying the beautiful weather with my family. Tiffany at The R Family Diaries has called for posts about Optimism, in conjunction with the Goldfish Fishful Thinking campaign. When I read her post and a few others, I knew that this was what I needed to focus on today and going forward.
Each Sunday, I focus on an inspirational topic and gather quotes about that topic. It is always a good, humbling, and learning exercise for me. I had that same experience this morning as I searched for quotes about Optimism. Here are a few of my favorites, mixed with some baby photos (what is more optimistic than a new baby?):

“An optimist is the human personification of spring.” ~Susan J. Bissonette

“I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning how to sail my ship.” ~Louisa May Alcott

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” ~Winston Churchill

“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” ~Helen Keller

“Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses… on your powers, instead of your problems.” ~Paul J. Meyer
Over the last few months, as we have worked hard and struggled to grow our business from the ground up, nothing but faith and an optimistic outlook have gotten us through. According to Fishful Thinking, only 42% of children believe that they will be able to accomplish their goals. What kind of hope are we giving our children, and how can we instill a greater sense of optimism in them? I think we can start by the attitudes we as their parents have, and the subtle or not-so-subtle messages we pass on to them in the home. We have tried hard to keep a postive outlook so that our children will not suffer from the stress that inevitably comes from running our own business. Optimism is a skill, but I think it goes hand in hand with Faith.
While you’re here, why don’t you enter my giveaway–I’m giving away a copy of the Spanish Language learning software that we’ve been working so hard to produce. We’re optimistic about where our company can go, but it is still so much work!
After that, go check out the other optimistic entries at The R Family Diaries and VOTE FOR ME! Pretty please? Really, just leave a comment on Tiffany’s post, under the links, and say you vote for Lolli! Thanks!
And, now I’m a Fishful Thinking Ambassador! Click the fish on the left sidebar to learn more about the program!
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