When I was a kid, Summer time was about playing outside all day long. Summer was about swinging and swimming and sweating. If I asked my kids about Summer today, I bet they would say the same thing.
My favorite childhood Summer time memories occurred in Lake Tahoe. Before I was born, my grandparents had a cabin in a small woodsy neighborhood on the California side of Lake Tahoe. My mom spent many a Summer day at the little private neighborhood beach, and even after Grandma and Grandpa sold that cabin, she and her siblings continued visiting the familiar neighborhood for many years with their own kids.
I remember floating on a blow-up mattress in the clear lake water with my arm dangling over the side. I remember hiking and fishing with my dad. I remember driving past Emerald Bay and being both awed by the beauty and color and terrified of the danger of the road. But not memory stands out more vividly than the visit from the bear.
One afternoon, after spending several hours at the beach, my mom and all of us kids piled into the minivan and drove back to the cabin. The back of the van was packed to the brim with blown-up floaties – to the point that 4 of us were sitting in little pockets between seat and mattress. So most of us weren’t watching as we drove up the steep driveway. My sister saw the bear first. The sight of a bear on our doorstep, standing between our car and safety, terrified her and she wasn’t able to get much more than, “Look!” out of her mouth.
It looked like she was pointing at the window so I tried to help by rolling down her window, which immediately sent my sister into a screaming fit. Finally, the rest of us saw the bear.
We watched the bear, in shock, and wondered how we would ever get in the house. Eventually, we saw Dad walk up to the front door (from inside) and our screams turned to shouts of warning for Dad. We didn’t want him to open the door and get attacked or let the bear into the cabin. Since these were the days before cell phones, there was no communication.
Eventually, the bear did move on and we were able to get inside our cabin, where we stayed put for the rest of the day. 15 minutes of close-distance bear viewing was enough excitement for one day.
Speaking of excitement, I have an exciting giveaway for you guys. I was recently asked to be an Ovaltine Mom. As soon as I read the word Ovaltine, I was flooded with memories from my childhood. We always had Ovaltine in the cupboard, right below the cereal boxes. I am proud to call myself an Ovaltine Mom (especially after meeting the amazing brand team at Type A this past weekend!).
The Prize:
TWO winners will receive three canisters of new recipe OVALTINE (one of each flavor), a recipe booklet with about a dozen OVALTINE recipes, a glass countertop straw dispenser, and a $25 Visa gift card.

For a chance to enter and win, just leave a comment below about healthy summer snack ideas or a favorite summer childhood memory.
Extra entries: You can gain extra entries by tweeting about this giveaway or sharing/liking this post on Facebook (simply use the social sharing buttons found at the bottom or top of this post). You can share once a day.
This giveaway will end on July 8 and TWO winners will be chosen at random and notified via email. Open to the US only. Good luck!
Disclosure: I am an Ovaltine blogger ambassador and may receive product and/or compensation for my participation in the program. As always, thoughts, stories, and opinions are my own.
Image credit: By Mike Bender/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
© 2011, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
We snack on fruit, cheese and crackers.
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r hicks
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
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ardy22 at earthlink dot net
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rich hicks
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
watermellon is a great summer snack
ardy22 at earthlink dot net
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/brianpiero/status/89541343214448640
Every summer we’d swim early in the morning and then in the afternoon we’d read until evening.
Thanks for the giveaway…I remember that our Mom always had a bowl of orange slices on ice waiting for us when we came in from playing, looking for a snack or cold drink.
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
I remember picking strawberries and blackberries when I was a child.
i love to make lowfat smoothies as a snack with juicy fresh fruit :)
A favorite memory was swimming at the community pool in the summer. Jumping off the diving boards and eating stick pretzels and frozen Zero bars!
spcale at yahoo dot com.
I liked the post on FB (Sarah Smile).
I like the old-fashioned idea of freezing 100% fruit juice in the ice cube trays with a stick and the kids eat them when it’s hot outside.
I freeze watermelon and canteloupe in the freezer and add a popsicle stick so when we are out playing I ccan just grab some out of th efreeer and it is refreshing and helthy!
I liked this post on fb. My name is my id.
I remember being over at my grandmas’ in the summer, hot day. My cousins and I were playing outside and it started to rain. Big, fat, warm raindrops. She locked us outside and told us to go and cool off. We played tag and splashed in the puddles. Best time of our lives.
Cupcakes in ice cream cones & we got to ice & decorate them ourselves!
I tweeted!
My favorite summer snack is watermelon!
A really healthy summer snack is fresh fruit.
we love to snack on fresh fruit in the summer
We still have water balloon fights at the summer family picnic!
daily tweet!
I like to put fruit juice in ice cube trys with toopicks and the kids love to eat them when they’re frozen
I Liked this post
My childhood memory would be of flying a kite on a windy windy day with my dad when i was like 8 yrs old way out over the river. We lived just one block from the river so we went down to the bank where there was no wires and boy did our kite travel – way out of sight it was amazing
Healthy snack fresh fruit
Daily Tweet–https://twitter.com/suebaby05/status/89414337680252928
I like to make fruit smoothies and then freeze them like popsicles for a cool summer treat!
eating kiwi
celery with peanut butter!
Daily tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Thabal628/status/89375824851124224
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I love fruit in the Summer like watermelon and grapes
My mom used to fix me ovaltine as a child and she used to tell me that her mother fixed her ovaltine as a child. Ovaltine brings such happy memories for me.
liked on fb: xferriza2 (DANIELLE B)
I love li hing mui powder on apple slices. it is an acquired taste but oh so yummy!
Frozen grapes are fun and easy.
Daily tweet: https://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/89164553325252610
I have to agree with the watermelon. We keep chunks cut up in a bowl in the fridge.
juleemm2003 at yahoo dot com
Healthy Summer snack WATERMELON! That is one of the best snacks you can have during the summer months.
im a facebook fan
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its funny as a kid we always had ovaltine i have not had any in mant years
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eswright18 at gmail dot com
I keep frozen cut up fruit in baggies in the freezer for a healthy fun snack.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
My kids love fruit salad in the summer! I do too!!
Daily Tweet–https://twitter.com/suebaby05/status/89088662251388928
I like to mix walnut halves, dark chocolate chunks and dried cherries for a snack. It’s great mixed in with yogurt.
Fruit salads are the best
I love to give my kids carrot sticks with ranch dressing for a snack!
The best summertime snack is fresh, cut-up fruit!
My favorite summertime snack as a child was a peach, picked from one of our peach trees and rinsed off at the garden hose.
Our favorite summertime treat is frozen grapes…quick easy and delish
My favorite summer snack is tomatos straight from the garden.
Used the like on FB button Sherry Conrad
My fave healthy summer snacks- frozen grapes and watermelon cubes.
I like to freeze grapes and banana slices for a cold healthy treat for my kids
carolkfoster at comcast dot net
Our fave summer snack thing is fresh fruit. We always have a bowl of freshly cut watermelon, strawberries, or cantaloupe in the fridge.
@chrisdeglen Tweeted –
Watermelon is one of the best healthy summer snacks and kids always love it. Serve it in traditional slices and eat it by hand or dress it up by cubing it and layering it with yogurt in parfait glasses.
My favorite summer snack is usually just watermelon or another sweet fruit. I love apples in the summer, which seems silly because they’re more of a fall thing really, but when it’s hot I love crisp, cold fruit more than anything.
DT: https://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/88818799284994049
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Homemade popsicles were always my favorite!
“When I was young, we would go to my Grandmothers cabin in Felton for a week. Every night all the grandchildren would get a big hot mug of Ovaltine. I recieved an E-mail from you and it brounght back all the great memories of that time. I am 69 now, thank for the memories.
Daily Tweet–https://twitter.com/suebaby05/status/88757731552530432
My favorite summer memories are going to the property my family owned and participating in the annual fishing derby! Prizes were awarded for the first fish, the first blue gill, the longest fish, the smallest fish, etc.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/Thabal628/status/88731894883172352
We enjoy smoothies. Cool and refreshing.
Instead of full fat ben & jerrys, i like to have a fudgsicle
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
tweeted 7/6-https://twitter.com/mami2jcn/status/88602093291708416
Our favorite summertime snack is fresh strawberries and blueberries
The kid’s and I eat allot of raw vegetables in the summer time. A good and healthy snack for us all.
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I shared this giveaway via Facebook as Jill Myrick located here:
We grow a garden each summer so we have lots of fresh vegetables for snacking. My children love celery, cucumbers and carrots dipped in ranch dressing. We also eat lots of summer fruit such as watermelon and peaches.
Daily tweet: https://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/88438492102795266
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Healthy snack- banana. Thanks for the giveaway.
My favorite all time summer snack is Jello
texaswaitress (at) live (dot) com
I’m a big fan of trail mix, especially when hiking.
Thanks for sponsoring the contest :)
Daily Tweet–https://twitter.com/suebaby05/status/88265829908619264
tweeted 7/5-https://twitter.com/mami2jcn/status/88249270402162688
Daily tweet: https://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/88077218764431361
Popsicles are a cold and fairly low calorie treat
7/4 daily tweet
we like to make smoothies for snack from all the fresh fruit we can get in the summer
nannypanpan at gmail.com
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/ljshores/status/87981855797805057
I love to make a lemonade pie and an orange cream salad for summer bbq’s!
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/Kitty32504/status/87965423856910337
MY favorite childhood summer memory was the summer we rented a beach house in South Carolina with 2 other families! We all had the best time! The funny thing was this was the same summer that the movie “Jaws” came out (yes, I AM dating myself) and NO ONE wanted to go into the water except for us because we waited until AFTER vacation to go see the movie!
Today’s tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/JalapenoMama/status/87892523426648065
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i liked Watermelon as a summer snack
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gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Fortunately we all love fruit in our house and it is abundant in the summertime. Thanks for the great giveaway!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
tweet https://twitter.com/#!/ljshores/status/87674103590432768
summer watermelon
We used to go swimming in the river during the summer and usually stopped at Dairy Queen on the way home.
I love the packages of apples that are all cut up and ready to serve. some even come with caramel ~ great way to get the fruit in! what a nice giveaway
Most of my summer snacks are fresh fruit or dishes made with fruit. Smoothies are very popular in the summer in my house made with yogurt and fresh blueberries or strawberries..
Today’s tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/JalapenoMama/status/87559802980536320
Daily Tweet–https://twitter.com/suebaby05/status/87559646688190464
We like to freeze grapes for a cool summertime treat!
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My favorite childhood memory is wearing sundresses and playing outside all day long!
tweeted 7/3-https://twitter.com/mami2jcn/status/87523001737822208
We like to go to the farmer’s market every week and get the fresh fruits and veggies that are in season. This year we discovered kohlrabi and we love it!
Mandatory Entry: I love green smoothies for a super healthy snack eyy!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com
I tweeted at https://twitter.com/#!/anashct/status/87492980247769088
email: anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com
My favorite Summer memory as a child was when I went to Disney World when I was 9. I don’t remember sleeping- just playing. There was also an Orange Grove we stopped by, picking an orange off a tree was a thrill.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/Thabal628/status/87335041272786944
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I really like eating the fresh fruits and vegetable at this time of year. Watermelon, strawberries, tomatoes, melons
Favorite summer memory: playing in the sprinkler
Favorite healthy summer snack: juice-flavored gelatin (pre-vegetarian days)
I make juice popsicles for a healthy summer snack.
smchester at gmail dot com
our favorite summer snack is watermelon shaved ice!
Simply put some watermelon slices ( no seeds)! into the blender for a few seconds. Pour into shaved ice molds… If you don’t have a shaved ice maker, then pour into popsicle molds and make popsicles instead…freeze and enjoy!
It’s truly delicious!
Today’s tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/JalapenoMama/status/87192446244626433
Daily Tweet–https://twitter.com/suebaby05/status/87166607813656576
tweeted 7/2-https://twitter.com/mami2jcn/status/87150402302259200
My favorite summertime snacks are berries, grapes, frozen green grapes, and a frozen custard twist cone from the custard stand when we visit my folks!!
I tweeted
My favorite summer snack is fresh pineapple
One of my favorite memories is fishing off the dock on the bay and my granny cooking up our catch.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/Thabal628/status/86906176725463040
Today’s tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/JalapenoMama/status/86866794798776322
Daily Tweet–https://twitter.com/suebaby05/status/86839929455378433
I love Watermelon drizzled in honey.
Thanks for the chance.
I like to make homemade fruit popsicles. Blend up some fresh fruit with OJ and freeze in Dixie cups. The kids love these!
shared on Facebook
My favorite summer childhood memory: spending a week at Fernandina Beach, Florida each summer with extended family. Searching for sharks’ teeth, watching afternoon thunderstorms move up and down the coast, walking around downtown, visiting Fort Clinch State Park, and of course building a huge sandcastle!
We eat lots of fresh fruit in the summer–strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe.
tweeted 7/1-https://twitter.com/mami2jcn/status/86776515899043840
I always loved Ovaltine as a child!
Our favorite summer treat is picking fresh raspberries from our patch and sprinkling them over yogurt! The best part is finding the ready berries and sneaking a couple before they make it to the kitchen!
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/86611090632482818
A favorite healthy summer snack idea of ours are strawberries and yogurt. Thanks for the chance!
My family likes to snack on watermelon or a handful of grapes
Today’s tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/JalapenoMama/status/86606434640474112
Fresh fruit & yogurt does it for me!
Thank you.
Daily Tweet–https://twitter.com/suebaby05/status/86573412142690304
Tweeted the giveaway: https://twitter.com/#!/Thabal628/status/86553959174643712
Favorite summertime snack: Pops, I make a variety of them and we love it. Thanks for the giveaway.
we eat a lot of pasta salad in the summer
Strawberries. Especially ones we picked ourselves. Those are the best.
My sister and I used to drop sticks in the water on one side of a culvert then hurry over to see which one would win the race. Half the time the sticks would just get stuck, but that didn’t stop us!
I love to eat Watermelon for a healthy and tasty summer snack.
daily tweet 6/30 https://twitter.com/Aerated/status/86447213844234240
We love fresh fruit in the summertime as our snack.
When I was little, kids spent most of their time outside in the summer. My younger brother and I would often take our stuffed animals outside and climb up into our father’s boat where we would then pretend we were out at sea and surrounded by sea creatures. One of our other favorite summer outdoor activities was playing with my brother’s matchbox cars. We’d really get into it. My mother would lose a couple of kitchen spoons to our road building, as we’d dig perfect-car-sized paths through moss and gravel, then wet & rub them with the back of a spoon until they were packed and shiny – blacktop for our mini-world. As far as snacks, well, though it’s not considered healthy, we always had freezies in the freezer throughout summer.
We love to have fresh fruit for summer snacks.
My favorite summer time memories are having lemonade stands/kool-aid stands when my mom would have a garage sale. Love Ovaltine, hoping I win!
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I remember exploring in the woods in the summer as a child.
tweeted 6/30-https://twitter.com/mami2jcn/status/86410813631512577
When I was a kid, we always had Ovaltine. My favorite summer snack when I was little was fresh rhubarb. My kids’ favorite summer snack is frozen gogurt.
I love to sit on the back porch and have a cup of cool, creamy yogurt. It’s very refreshing. Thanks.
When my kids were small I would make home made popsicles from crushed fruit.
I remember my dad putting salt on his watermelon and I followed suit. My mom made watermelon “pickles” by using the unripened part close to the rind. These days just give me a good, sweet, cold watermelon slice to satisfy a sweet tooth and to cool down. Yummy!
all the times went to the beach with grandma
We love to eat watermelon and one of my favorite childhood memories was drinking Ovaltine! It was a special treat.
Healthy snacks are pretty easy in the summer time–chilled melons, oranges, carrots are so refreshing on a hot day.
One of my favorite all time summer time snacks is Cantaloupe. I like it fresh from the garden or chilled in the refrigerator. It brings back memories of waiting for the first cantaloupe to ripen on the vine so my siblings, parents and I could share it together. Ever time I pass a Cantaloupe in the Supermarket, at a produce stand, at a roadside market or in my garden it brings back those warm precious memories I have fro my childhood. Also I enjoyed making Fudge Quickies with Ovaltine. Makes for a quick and healthy snack.
When I think of summertime as a child growing up… I think of long hot days…to the past the time my friends and I would make lots different treats…it would be pumpkin bread and chicken puffs…and of course Ovaltine…we would blend it with just about any and everything…my personal favorite were bananas and vanilla ice cream.
My daughter really loves frozen gogurt sticks. It really makes for a nice cold snack on the hot days. I also like to freeze the capri suns.
cashews are great snack! Used to drink Ovaltine as a kid – would love to have the kids try
My family loves sweet watermelon and cantaloupe! My daughter has to have her cup of “hot cha cha” (hot chocolate Ovaltine) every morning as soon as she wakes up and prefers it throughout the day as well!
When I was about 7 years old, our next door neighbor supplied us everyday with fresh ripe red tomatoes from his garden. And everyday for lunch, my mom served us tomato sandwiches! Of course, in those days (47 years ago) that translated to white bread and miracle whip; but now I make my tomato sandwiches with whole wheat and light mayo. Wow, nothing tastes like summer to me more than a delicious, juicy (drippy) tomato sandwich! Try it!
At our house our favorite snack is chocolate Ovaltine.
All the comments about fruit being a favorite summer time snack sounds really yummy. But I like a cold glass of ovaltine with graham crackers & icing. I love to dip them into my glass of ovaltine. I have enjoyed ovaltine for year. When I was young, I won’t say how many years ago that was, my mother bought ovaltine for us kids. At that time it was less expensive than Hershey Chocolate mix. I have always had ovaltine in my home. My husband makes sure I never run out because a glass of ovaltine is one of my favorite snacks.
We love frozen snacks. Popsicles, frozen blueberries, ice cream. Anything cool!
I serve fruit in season and top it with home made whipped cream.
celery sticks, peanut butter and raisins…..or dried cherries or cranberries if you want fire ants!!
my mom used to fix them for us kids and now i fix them for mine!!
We like to make smoothies with fresh fruit and yogurt.
What we eat on the hot summer days is watermelon and cantaloupe mixed together, its refreshing.
My favorite summer snack is still italian ice ! I just love it :)
We are having fruits as snack during summer and ice cold Ovaltine.
We eat lots of fresh fruit in the summer. I freeze grapes and blueberries for a cool treat.
My favorite summer snack is fruit salad.
I like on fb
healthy summer snack is apples
Frozen grapes. Refreshing.
Bananas and sour cream is good. My family loves Ovaltine, too!
Facebook share!https://www.facebook.com/starlightears4/posts/2208334448754
tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/urmariposa/status/86195859762581504
We love eating watermelon and I blend cold milk with ice,Ovaltine and some oats;it is a nice treat.
I remember riding my bike around the neighborhood and playing with friends. Good times!
Watermelon is a healthy summer snack.
shared on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=134640916614605&id=752204468
carol p dziuba
https://twitter.com/cdziuba/status/86185557331415040 tweeted
favorite summer childhood memory: catching fish in the lake where my parents had a summer home
ants on a log!
Baby carrots grown in my garden are a favorite summer snack.
Hope to win!
I Tweeted
For healthy summer snacks I like marinated tofu sticks, mozzarella cheese sticks, a slice of avocado wrapped in a piece of roast beef or turkey, or a big bowl of popcorn.
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/peg42/status/86165681120354304
Our family loves cut up fresh fruit. Also frozen juice pops or yogart are favorites too.
Thanks so much.
We have such a wide variety of fruits and vegetabes in the summer so I always keep lots on hand.Right now I’m getting figs from my fig tree so I will say eating lots of fresh picked figs.
Shared gw via twitter@tmt121172
shared gw on FB! tracietrump@yahooo.com
My fav summertime snack are fruit popicles! tracietrump@yahoo.com
take along your own mixture of trail mix
I tweeted the giveaway. Thank you!
I love snacking on fruit in the summer. Grapes and strawberries are my favorite.
celery and peanut butter is yummy.
I love to make fruit salad or carrots with a little feta cheese
tweeted 6/29-https://twitter.com/mami2jcn/status/86091765026791424
I usually don’t snack in the Summer because it gets too hot for me to really eat, but my favorite Summertime memory from my childhood was a long time ago, when I was in the 2nd grade. We had lived in the 2-story townhouse apartment complex and we had this ‘exercise’ trampoline because a normal-sized wouldn’t have worked. But on Summer nights, we would drag it out behind the house and invite all our friends over. Then everyone would take turns bouncing on it, sometimes using a jump rope to jump rope while dancing. Before ya knew it, it was dark and time to “wrap it up” (as my Mom said and still says).
as a kid we would out the oj in the ice cube trays with toothpicks
Tweeted – https://twitter.com/#!/HeidiVargas/status/85894828092698624
My mother used to make use Cucumber Sandwiches they are still my favorite.
Watermelon is a delicious, healthy summertime snack!
I like this post with my Facebook username Mary Happymommy.
There’s nothing like fruit salad in the summer time!
One of our all time favorite summer snacks, is super simple. Watermelon wedges. My kids will devour them so long as Im willing to cut them! We also love ovaltine here :D