This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of PBM Products. All opinions are 100% mine.
I am happily finished with formula and baby food and diapers. But in the many long years of raising babies, I certainly spent my share of money on those products. becoming a new parent (for the first time or for the fifth) is always a financial strain…or at least an adjustment. Parents can use all the help they can get paying for everything they need to raise a healthy family. I know I spent many hour (yes, hours) in the baby aisle at the grocery store trying to figure out that fine line between cost, value, and quality. We all want what’s best for our kids.
I recently shared a press release about the multi-million dollar false advertising case that PBM Products won against Mead Johnson, the makers of Enfamil®. PBM Products, a leading infant formula company that supplies store-brand infant formulas to Walmart, Sam’s Club, Target, Kroger, Walgreens, and other retailers, has won a $13.5 million false advertising judgment against Mead Johnson that has the potential of forever changing the $3.4 billion infant formula industry in the United States and saving parents significant money each year. In fact, store brand formulas cost up to 50% less than Enfamil® LIPIL® and allow parents to save as much as $600 per year on their formula purchases.
In a ruling announced recently, U.S. District Court Judge James R. Spencer supported a November 10 jury verdict and in his written ruling stopped Mead Johnson from making future false advertising claims against PBM and store-brand infant formulas. Mead Johnson has made claims based on nutritional superiority over store brand formulas, as listed in the release. PBM successfully argued that its formulas contain the same nutrients at the same levels as the Mead Johnson brand Enfamil® LIPIL®.
As a supporter of store brand products across the board, I couldn’t be happier to hear that “the little guy” has once again proven that he is just as strong and just as good as “the big guy.” It just makes me feel good.
How do you feel about store brand products, particularly for your kids?
© 2010, Food Fun Family. All rights reserved.
When I had Hayden I was all about the most expensive, top of the line name brand baby stuff but then when I had the triplets I woke up and got a clue. We are finished with formula but we used the store brand stuff. It was way cheaper and just as good. And we still use store brand diapers. The cost savings is amazing.